Miss Misunderstood….Lord Deliver Me

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1 Peter 3:14-17
But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their intimidation;do not be shaken.”But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope you possess. But respond with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who slander you will be put to shame by your good behavior in Christ. For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

It has been that type of season for me. Where I find myself feeling so misunderstood and criticized as the Lord continues to break me, crush me and mold me for his purposes and use. I found myself feeling the need to defend my walk, defend what I believe, defend what I am doing, defend even how I look. However, this approach was always wrong n the first place I should’ve never tried to defend myself but, allow the Lord to do that. If I was indeed in his will but, that darn flesh always gets in the way. lol So here I am always feeling the need to say something to justify myself.

The Lord has made it clear so many times in scripture that to follow him we must deny ourselves pick up our cross and follow him, that those who love their lives will lose it but those he hate their lives will find it. Furthermore, that if we love our mother, brother sister anyone more than him we are not worth of him. So the Lord has been putting me through test within this season. I’ve had to be obedient to all that the Lord had asked me to do recognizing those around me the Lord didn’t speak to and they wouldn’t understand which was okay.

So when the Lord called me to leave my apartment than rerouted me back to my mom’s to learn humility and charity…(its okay they wont understand)

When the Lord has called me to work from home and not a 9-5  fully trusting him with my provision..(its okay they wont understand)

When the Lord has called me too a lifestyle of consecration and intercession…(its okay they wont understand)

When the Lord called me to give my life to helping the poor and needy thereby living on only the bare necessities of life …(its okay they wont understand)

When the Lord began to teach me about his blessed Mother, the power of the Rosary prayer and the saints …(its okay they wont understand)

When the Lord has called me to  warn his children about his impending return and end-times prophetic events (its okay they wont understand

When the Lord has called me to follow Him….not any in the footsteps of any other minister or Pastor…(its okay they wont understand)

Why, because he hasn’t called “them” to this but me. It was out of pride many times that I felt the need too  explain or too justify myself or wanting them to really come to understand my calling but, can I be honest..I dont even fully understand what I am called too. lol So how then those around me the Lord hasn’t spoken too.  I had to remind myself of these things and recognized me wanting to be understood could easily become a form of idolatry. Which could have me bound to fear of men or seeking the praises of them. Then the Lord gave me this rhema word:

“Through scorn and contempt I am training you to be free from the opnions of men and to walk in brotherly love”

So I am coming to understand that I am not called to be understood but I am called to follow Jesus and be obedient to what he tells me alone. The Lord as able to use anyone to speak through and as a dear friend reminded me after prayer He said I feel the Lord is saying “for you to be gracious towards everyone and accept peoples criticism”. At first my flesh wanted to get defensive, well okay I got defensive lol .Then in the days ahead it sunk in that it indeed was from the Lord and his desire was for me to recognize it was him allowing  people to misunderstand me, criticize me or despise me because he was transforming me into his likeness. Just another part of the breaking from the Lord he reminded me through this book called “Imitation of Christ” that he too endured all his trials in patience and wanted me to do the same. He too was reproached by men, rebuked for his doctrine, had many contradictions, and a man acquainted with grief and sorrow but ,was completely obedient and abandoned to the Father. He wanted me to do the same for if He endured this cross to be crushed for our sake than how much more I for love of him and my brother. So I began to pray to the Lord, Father please deliver me from wanting to be understood in Jesus name!

So I ask of you, are you called by the Lord but find yourself feeling as if you have to defend that call, have to explain yourself, or tell others what the Lord has spoken to  you to do? Have you found yourself  feeling alone many times, no one to understand you but   desiring to be obedient to the Lord? Then began to thank the Lord for this cross he has allowed you to bare because you look just like him now! He is slowly but surely break, crushing and molding YOU at of YOU so that YOU die and He lives his life in you. He is teaching you not to be moved by the opinions of men, nor having their praise validate who you are but teaching you to trust him and seek praise only from above.  It wont be easy but so rewarding as you….and me both endure patiently.


From Jesus With Love














Jesus says “Console Me”

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I have come to know the Lord in the most intimate way through suffering. The dreaded word many Christians don’t want to hear or go through but very much apart of a believers life. The Lord never said that this world would be perfect full of love, peace  and joy no he actually warned us that we would have trials and tribulation but to take heart because He has already overcome! Were called to be overcomers in a ever increasing dark, angry, deteriorating world. The times were living in our treacherous when many are looking for answer’s, protection, hope and love in  all the wrong places which can only be found in Jesus! He is indeed coming back very soon!

John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

There is a mystery in suffering, that our God suffers with us too. Suffering is caused because of sin and  we live in a fallen world. Jesus took the sins of he world upon him on the cross yet still suffers with us and will continue too until the world is restored to righteousness at the end of the age. We serve a God who is very human and many times we forget. As many go about there day business as usual and act as if God is so far away from all that is going on in the world blaming him but, oh how very present he is and near to the brokenhearted. His heart grieves for the many souls who lose their lives, who go through trials, who are hurting and especially the ones who don’t know him. His heart grieves for the many who still blaspheme his name, who reject him, mock him, who love wickedness and hate truth. He hears the cries of all in this fallen world and when one tear drops those are his tears he cries through them, therefore not one tear hits the ground unnoticed by Jesus. How his heart breaks desperately for his children every day and when you lay down your life to suffer with Jesus he will let you in on whats on his heart.  Now more than ever Jesus desires consolement, yes our God desires to be comforted by his creation, by his children, by none other than his bride. Which is a sweet consolation to his wounded heart. Will you console Jesus in this hour?

With great suffering comes great intimacy, trust and understanding

Jesus what’s on your heart? 

“These are turbulent times my beloved, turbulent times. I am hurting and suffering with the world. Many of my children are doing things for me but, very few are WITH me. I desire to be with my bride in this hour don’t wander off in doing things for me my beloved but, stay close to me. Console me, my beloved console me. Heal the wounded heart of your king, your Lord with worship, with your time and with you praise. Your prayers are a sweet incense that draws me out of the pain of this dying world into the chambers of my bride’s heart where I am strengthen and comforted by your response to my call. Console me my beloved console me. Many desire to pitch their tents on the mountain of prosperity but, so very few….very few will pitch their tents in the Garden of Gethsemane with me. Where my heart resides still making intercession for souls to come to me. Will you suffer with me my bride? Will you drink the cup of bitterness as I did and still tasting until all is return to me? Will you pitch your tent in Gethsemane? I am lonely my beloved, I long for my brides affection, her attention to detach from all the distractions and business of this world and be with me. Will you watch and pray? Console me, my beloved Console me.”

Your suffering King and Bridegroom-Jesus




Being Ordained By God

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Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

I am learning in my walk that its a wonderful grace that’s given to all who are ordained by God. For the longest when the Lord called me I was running for man’s approval, man’s validation, and man’s support of what God had called me to do but when God ordains you He calls the unqualified, the unequipped and the uneducated. Those without status, title, and influence to become a light house in their generation. Fortunately, for me I fit all of those qualification and you do too!

When I began to walk in the direction the Lord called me to I got a lot of opposition. Not only from the enemy but many times from well to do meaning Christians who would question what the Lord told me to do because of my many non-qualifications. I too believed I had to go the “normal route” the way everyone has gone who is called by the Lord but I have come to realize that MY WAY was normal and GODS WAY never is lol.  These are some of the few things I heard and some things I have learned:

The first thing the Lord put on my heart was to start a prayer meeting at my apartment my first year for walking with him. I heard “you don’t have a covering so you shouldn’t do that”….actually I heard there
Psalm 91:4 reassures us, “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge”
Learned: I am married to Christ so the Holy Spirit is my covering

As the Lord continued to lead me the Holy Spirit began to impart a love in my heart to pray for everyone that I met or encountered. I heard “ you shouldn’t be so quick to pray for everyone or lay hands only be led by the Lord”
Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
Learned: God loves everyone and wants to touch everyone through you if you would allow it!

I had many tell me “you need to get a spiritual mother or father to help guide you in this spiritual walk”. So I began searching and the Lord was closing every door.
John 14:26 But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.
Learned: Although having a spiritual mother and father is good in Gods timing the best counselor is the Holy Spirit who is the best spiritual counselor you can have!

I thought I needed to go to seminary school and others told me that I must if I am called to “ministry” However, when the Lord began to confirm that He would teach me I was scoffed at and called prideful to think that God could teach me.
John 6:44-45 For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up. 45 As it is written in the Scriptures,[a] ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.
That in fact God loves to teach his children and by the Holy Spirit, He is the best teacher. Furthermore in scripture he even confirms that many of us in these last days would be taught by him

I find myself today unqualified in my own strength but qualified by Gods grace. I find myself unequipped by my own training but equipped by the trials God has allowed. I find myself uneducation without any vocational ministry studies but educated by the Holy Spirit. I find myself without status in the church but in the Kingdom called a “a royal priest”. I find myself without a title but in the Kingdom titled “a warrior bride”. I find myself having no church pulpit but my life being unraveled before the “cloud of witness” as a platform to impact all of eternity!


Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.


Yes you….you also are chosen, anointed, appointed and ordained by God in this generation for such a time as this. He will instruct yo and teach you in the way you should go. He will counsel you with his loving eye on you. Stop looking to men and believe what God has said and called you to. So my brother or sister…Go NOW, go into all the world and make Jesus known!

-From Jesus With Love

YOU Are Called To Ministry


The Lord has been really teaching me on Ministry what that looks like and actually what that means. I hear often people will say oh your called to “ministry” or I am called into “ministry” but, I realize ministry is not just something your called too but, a minister is something that you are.

 Minister:  (verb) 1. attend to the needs of (someone).

As a christian WE ARE ALL CALLED to be ministers of Christ!  Its not about having a title, working in a church, or having a platform but in whatever area and location you are called to be an ambassador of Jesus Christ. I thought when the Lord released me for my job 6 months ago for sure He would open the door to start full time ministry, honestly having no idea what that looked like. However, I have come to understand. That I have always been in full time ministry when I said “yes” to the Lord Jan 1, 2014 His ministry in me stared. The Ministry of reconciliation that is, which all believers are called too.

Reconciliation: (noun) 1. the restoration of friendly relations.

He has been using me to restore many back to friendly relationship with him! You see the Lord spoke to me to apply for a job out the local shelter I had been waiting 6 months to get a clearance from him as to what he wanted me to do. So finally when he spoke I scratched my head a little thinking really Lord you want me to go back to the “market place” as we call it. Back into the corporate america in my heart I spoke I thought I was going to go into ministry and He reminded me “you already are.” At your former job didn’t I use you there to draw many to me, since you have not been working haven’t I been using you to minister to people through your social media platforms, outreach, small group, and evangelism in which my response was….Oooh I see lol.  As he was reminding me that now he wants to send me there to to be His ambassador and minister to people in that capacity.

2 Corinthians 5:19-20
or God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful ministry of reconciliation.
20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

So as a believer YOU are Called into minister YOU are an ambassador for Christ, YOU are called into the minister of reconciliation. To draw all men your sphere of influence that is given to you back to Jesus Christ.  So are you meeting the needs of those around you? At your job are you being a light, are you providing hope, encouraging words and speaking truth to those who are lost and in desperate need of the Love Jesus. Are you reaching out in your communities,  strangers that you pass by who are in need and even to your own neighbors  are you sharing the love of Christ? My friends no longer see Ministers as those who preach, who teach, who are in the church or just pastors because YOU are a Minister so lets get busy with works of service God has given us all to do!

Ephesians 4:11-12
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip THE SAINTS for WORKS OF SERVICE, so that the body of Christ may be built up

Trials That Lead Us To Trust


These past few weeks had been some rough trials mostly just in my heart. For a moment I found myself taking my eyes off of Jesus yet again and looking at the waves and storms. Which caused me to anguish, fear and then just doubt in all that God had spoken to me. Before me I saw many deadlines, but I am reminded before Him , He sees a timeline where his purpose supersedes my deadlines and becomes a testimony!

I fund myself having my unemployment end in 2 weeks, my mission trip funding having to be paid in full at the end of this month, and my lease being up next month. I began to seek God about direction and what he wanted me to do. After many days of no clear answer I began to get anxious again as I began to entertain other peoples opinions as to what they think I should do because I took my eyes off of Jesus and all that he promised me. However, finally the Lord spoke to me about a job he wants me to apply for and I did Monday but now just waiting again lol  You know just this morning I was thanking the Lord that he answered a prayer of mine. I remember the day I was released from my job I spent about 3 hours of the most sweetest time with him. I said in my heart “That I wish I waste working so I could spend all day with Jesus” and he gave me exactly what I asked for lol However, now with only 2 weeks left of income I am savoring each day  thanking him for giving me such an amazing opportunity to get to know him more. That’s what He spoke to me “the reason he had me lose my job so I could know him more”

Then furthermore to my mission trip I am now at 66% percent  with funding 100 percent from donors since I am not working right now. I am just amazed at Gods faithfulness thus far that I had no plan or no intention of going because once again I was looking at my circumstances that the God of the impossible that I serve. I found out about the trip the day of the deadline for submission with no funds to put the deposit however, he had a friend of mine call me and pay it all. He truly is faithful so I believe it is his will he will provide. One think I told him is that He has to come through because if not it will make him look bad lol So I am now sitting back and expecting to be in awe of Him!

Psalm 25: 3
No one who trust in you will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.

Lastly with my lease being up for renewal not sure whether he wants me to stay here or not just waiting on Him to get clarity on that. In the meantime I realize how everyone one of these trials and the many in between have drawn me closer to Jesus. He did mention the word for this year would be ‘child-like Trust” oh how that has been so true. He has been reminding me a child who is buckled in their booster seat in their parents car doesn’t question where their going, how long it takes to get there, doesn’t even really prepare for the trip because the parents have that all covered. They just sit back and enjoy the ride as the parents take care of ever direction maneuver, detour, filling up gas, travel expenses, clothing and food for this trip. So that’s what Jesus does when we to surrender our wills to him completely as little children trusting our Heavenly Father will and has already taken car of every need in this adventure called Life as we just have to sit back and enjoy the ride with its road bumps, curves, detours and all. Trials will always lead to trust if you allow God to have his way and believe in his promises despite what you see or experience. As I know anxiously wait with great expectation for His timeline to supersede my deadlines and turn into an amazing testimony!

“With great suffering comes great intimacy. Closeness, Tenderness and Understanding”- Jesus

-From Jesus with Love <3





Will You Say Yes?



Yesterday I got to witness first hand how real the spiritual battle for a territory, for a soul and for a life. As a young man whom I got the opportunity to lead into a prayer of salvation immediately after was pursued by an armed robber and shot right before my eyes…….will you say “yes” to what God is calling you to, where He is calling you and yes despite the opposition, your fears and uncomfortably?

Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

I had got a vision a month prior where I was sharing the gospel accross the street with a crowd of young man but I thought that was going to be far off in the near future….I should know by now when Jesus shows me something He desires for me to be obdeint and act on that lol  So two weeks ago I found myself with no car, virus on my computer and still no job having absoultely nothing to do wondering what is going on Lord. Then Jesus spoke to me about my desire for missions and that he needed me to be obedient that accross the street was my mission feild and I do have a job working for Him and beiing about his business. Sharing the Gospel and his love to everyone in that area.. The neighborhood I live in is fairly nice however, I live next to a convenint store an noticed alot of males would linger there and at the carwash.  I noticed from time to time I would get approached if I wanted to buy weed and knew the presence of God was needed there.

However on Wednesday I was feeling discouraged because since evangelizing no one had given their lives to Jesus, but many received prayer. Furthermore, there had been of a lot of unusual opposition. One of owners of the car wash told me to leave his property and stop talking to everyone, another mother cussed her children out for praying with me saying they knew Jesus already, another couple in a car was fist fighting whiles driving passed, like I said unusual but I realize now it was high level warfare. So toward the end of the day I stand at the front of the convenient store asking anyone for prayer. When a young man came up to me and asked if I had a rubber band for a wand of money he had I told him I had something better, Jesus. He looked completely broken with a lot on his mind. He began to state his whole life story of how he had ran after money, drug dealing and had it all and was completely empty. That he was tired,  and he was on the run from a lifestyle he wanted to leave behind. He said he never had a father and his mother always chased after man so never knew love, He is now at a point where he is not afraid to die and he knew that was a bad place.  He proceeded stat he didn’t know How God could love him or forgive him if his own parents left him and he couldn’t forgive himself . I shared Gods love, the Gospel and he broke down in tears giving his life to the Lord right then and there.  He said he felt so relieved and had never cried before like that and wanted to stay in contact, that today he would throw the drugs and his guns away. We exchange info as I told him about connecting him with other believers . So I left headed for my apt but I turned around one last time to wave and say goodbye when a young man came up to him seeing a slight scuffle as the man asked for money… then heard a gunshot. I was dumbfounded the young man who just gave his life to the Lord got shot. the shooter ran off but my new found friend was shot in the leg as I ran to help him.

Soon The ambulance came and so did the cops….They caught the shooter and the young man was rushed to the hospital. Two things could’ve have happen after witnessing this. I could’ve coward in fear thinking its to dangerous to evangelize or too traumatized to continue to reach out to others across the street but Gods grace it way to sufficient for me! lol I knew the enemy was so mad and I may not being seeing the results but God indeed is doing something over there.  I believe that prayer protected that young man from death and what the enemy intended. So at that very moment I knew why God had said that was my mission field, why it was necessary for me to be there, to preserve and not cower in fear and why most importantly why this young man had to give his life to the Lord…the enemy was waiting, but God had and always is ahead of him…. I travailed in tears and in prayer last night for not only this area but for the young man of our generation who the enemy is sifting like wheat left and right. Praying asking the Lord to send more labors to get more “Christians” “ministers” “pastors” out of the church buildings and pulpits into the neighborhood and go OUT into the community to grab our brothers snatch them from the destruction they are headed too. I could’ve done two things after witnessing this cower in fear and ….Jesus answered my prayer.. last night as I went out again today meeting a pastor and a son who were in the process negotiating for space to begin a church!! So I ask you, if you are a christian…will you say YES thats all the Lord is looking for someone who will say YES and Go to your next door neighbor,  across the street, to your job, at the grocery store? As a believer you are a missionary a pilgrim here on this earth passing through called to make Jesus known wherever you go. WILL YOU SAY YES?!

Matthew 11:12
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

Perfect Love Cast Out All Fear



The Lord has been really teaching me about leadership and his love those two things go hand in hand. I went to a our youth ministries leadership conference this past weekend and they had a time where the prophetic ministry at our church gave us at random prophetic words. This has been a difficult week and I asked the Lord if he would give me a word and they did.  The word was that I was surrounded by darkness….(I know right first I was like waa I don’t receive this but wait for it lol). That I was surrounded by darkness feeling pressed on every side but, it was because the darkness was attracted to my light. That I found myself sometimes wondering why do I draw the most interesting people because The Lord has drawn a lot of broken and wounded people around me because he can trust me with them. That I have a gift of relational evangelism and my life would be a testimony for many because of my consistent walk with the Lord. I began to laugh because that is so true and I have noticed that it has become very apparent in this season of my life as I have stepped up in leadership. The Lord continues to remind me that “he has sent me people to love and I shouldn’t turn them away”.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

I have noticed that sometimes in the Body Of Christ unfortunately, we have away of hurting and rejection people out of fear. Sometimes we do it purposefully and sometimes its ignorantly but it all boils down to our lack of love. Everyone is a different levels of freedom in our Christian walk and we can easily talk about that person state under the label of  “being cautious” when it can be gossip saying be careful this person has this spirit, this person has that spirit, this person is struggling with this sin, you don’t want to get to close to them like their a disease or something. Which further caused the person to be rejected again and not walking in any more freedom than they were before. This mentality has broken up many friendships, families, and even churches.Even if the person is indeed is struggling or bound by some spirit we know that are fight is not against flesh and blood so you fight this in the spirit with prayer and with……..LOVE for that person! I have experience this in my own life through church small groups and my own personal experience where I was rejected as well because of Spiritual warfare I was going through. It was so painful to be rejected by my own Christian brothers and sisters who I thought would be the source of encouragement during the most difficult time in walk with the Lord.

Mark 2:13-17
While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

17On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

You see not once was Jesus moved by all the darkness, demonically bound, and spiritual dead people around him when he walked this earth. So why do we as Christians? Jesus first perfect in his love because He was and is Love! He was so confident in who He was, in Who He served and the power that was with in him. As Christians were called to do the same. It is important to seek God for wisdom in all things but, were called to take authority over spirits of darkness and to be friends to the sinners. We are the light of the world so they will be drawn to our light and that’s okay because that’s when we can impact them with the love and power of Jesus Christ. I love what Jesus said that its not the healthy that needs a doctor but, the sick. So when we see our Christians brothers and sister sick, struggling with a lust of the flesh, or strongholds or even the lost who are sick spiritually they are the ones that need Jesus the most and not to be rejected or outcast because they are not free.

The scripture says the one who fears is not made perfect in love. Wow so as a Christian if we fear we then allow the evil spirits of this world to have more power over us. When the  word of God says greater is in me than who is in the world! So when you find yourself around those who are in darkness that’s a great opportunity to allow your light to shine even brighter rather than being afraid of  being attacked, trusting or even loving them. Most importantly as a leader its important to realize the Lord has called you to bind the wounds of the hurting, to go after the lost and that can only be done with his perfect love. You will never serve perfect people and if you are then your not really serving the Lord lol. So Perfect love cast out all fear. Ask the Lord to perfect your love.

-From Jesus with love

This Is A Season of Sowing


2 Corinthians 9:6-12
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

This is what the Lord has been speaking to me most recently. I am still without a job and waiting patiently on the Lord for the next step and direction. So me and my closest friend decided to fast together for 7 days to seek Gods face as to his will for us and if he indeed wants us to began moving with some ideas he gave us. If you can remember from my other blog ” In the waiting” that’s exactly what I have been doing. Waiting for God to say its a go lol but, I have learned the Lords idea of waiting is always active. Just not sitting still and waiting for things to fall in your lap but putting your hands and your mind to work. So after breaking our fast we were certain the Lord was going to say  “now is the time” but, much to our disappointment he gave me rhemas on waiting on Gods timing and sowing. A little bit discouraged Jesus reminded me this morning that “this is a season of sowing for his body”. Just like a good farmer never stops to work but, he too has seasons where he sows and where he reaps the harvest. As we wait on his time we should always be sowing, that we should sow bountifully this season so we can reap a bountiful harvest when he says its time.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

So I then began to ask the Holy Spirit was does that look like sowing whiles waiting? A lot of time this scripture is used for to referencing solely financially sowing but the Lord desires we sow not only our finances, our resources, and most importantly out time for his kingdom. Since I am out of work I have a lot of time on my hands which I can use to sow into the kingdom. The Lord finally released my youtube channel which I am so happy about and he had me start this blog, a bible study over the phone and even a fb page to promote end times new to get the bride of Christ ready. You see a lot of times we sow into others only just to reap here on this earth so if we cannot see an immediate benefit it discourages us from sowing. However, that is why the Lord wants a cheerful giver someone who has the heart to know that when you sow into other believers, life you are sowing into the kingdom.
When you sow into the kingdom you reap that is law that stands. So when you sow into people or ministries whatever reward they acquire  becomes your reward as well. Its added to your personal rewarded that’s why many will be amazed at their rewards in heaven saying but Lord I didn’t do much however, Lord will say whatever you do unto the least of these you did unto to me. When you sow your time, prayers, money, and resources to advance the kingdom of God you will indeed reap! Although I am not working in the marketplace I find myself so busy working for the Lord. I intended to sow all that I have into his kingdom because a season of harvest is coming soon and I want to one of those that sow bountifully.

Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Sow means too: plant (seed) by scattering it on or in the earth.
So if you are in a season of waiting like me sow and sow bountifully wherever the Lord lays on your heart to sow. Is the Lord asking you to sow into church plant yourself by serving whiles you wait? What ministry has the Lord put on your heart to support financially, or what ministry has he laid on your heart to began preparing for? Is there someone the Lord has put in your life to sow into them, could be time, resources or financially? Has he asked you to sow prayers for a particular ministry or person? Whatever he has put on your heart to do actively pursue whiles your waiting. Put your hand to the plow and be generous when you sow knowing that none of it is in vain. You will be rewarded richly so brethren sow like you never have before the harvest is coming soon!

Revelation 22:12
Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with Me, to repay each man according to his work.”

-From Jesus With Love


prophetic message from Jesus about the season of sowing we are in right now!


When Your Vacation Turns Into A Mission Trip #NewBraunfelsforJesus


I’m learning more and more that my life is indeed not my own. When I made a committed to the surrender to the Lord  he meant surrendering all things. My time, My life and so called vacations as well lol Honestly, has been the most amazing adventure yielding myself to Jesus so he can live his life through me!

Philippians 1:21
For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.

So about three weeks ago my best friend comes up with an amazing idea and gateway for us to rest and seek God for the year. She got a good deal on groupon with a cottage/hotel in New Branfels in the Shilterbaun waterpark resort. The night before I stayed at my friends house and the Lord spoke to me to fast for the whole trip. I was like wait, Noooo but, once again #surrendered. I was excited because we were in such a need for a vacation or so we thought lol. As we were headed out my friend stated that the Lord spoke to her about this trip stating “our worship would activate all of heaven”. I was so excited to hear that because both me and her are worshipers at heart. We love to worship, so as we headed out on this 3 1/2 hour drive we blasted the car with worship music as we sang our hearts to the Lord. The Lord showed me the most beautiful picture of fragrant flowers shooting up from the top of our car all the way into the sky and piercing all of heaven into the throne room of God to be a fragrant offering to him. It was so beautiful!

As we arrived in the city we felt such a heaviness it seemed so dry…spiritually. We rode past a catholic church that had a huge shrine made out to one of their saints. Then we stopped at a grocery and that’s where the Lord had us encounter one of the many missions. There was  deli worker whom we met and upon seeing her the Lord spoke to my heart “witchcraft”. First I thought is that you Lord or me so I kept it to myself and we struck a conversation with her. She said her husband had dementia and was coming home that day but, said she believed in Jesus so we prayed with her. Then as we were checking out the cashier was a young girl and we asked to pray with her but she told us no. She really didn’t believe.  However, something still felt uneasy. So as we got back into the hotel WE had plans to relax go in the Jacuzzi….key word is WE had plans lol Jesus had his own plans. So upon praying the Lord confirmed to both of us that indeed there was witchcraft in this city and the young lady who was our cashier had actually been molested and even pregnant. Immediately, the Lord has go into worship and prayer warring not only for our sisters we had just met but for the city of New Braunfels. He wanted strongholds torn, witchcrafts roots uprooted, dead and cold hearts coming back to life and the Holy Spirit reviving the city! So instead of the Jacuzzi I stayed up all night praying when my friend insisted on going to take a dip when the Lord spoke to her and said “watch and pray”

Matthew 26:41
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”

Then a worker came immediately to say the pool was closed and she had to get out. All she could do was laugh. So sure enough we prayed all night warring for that city and the people we met. The next morning we asked the Lord to confirm if it was truly him speaking to us to have those two ladies working at the grocery store when we go there and we would give them the words he spoke to us. So we then went to the city pavilion and declared the city of New Braunfels the Lords with worship and scripture that the dead bones would rise! We then got an awesome opportunity to pray for people at the local coffee shop and encourage them in the Lord.

Ezekiel 37:4
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life.

As we got to the grocery story  me and my friend were so nervous because the two ladies were actually there! Eeek lol We asked for courage as we approached the older woman at the deli and I stated to her that a door had been open dabbling in spirituality outside of Jesus Christ caused an open door to cause her husband to have dementia. We told her we would continue to lift her and her husband in prayer. Then the young cashier was there again as we stood in the line waiting to talk to her we asked the Lord to give us wisdom because we wanted to be sensitive to the information the Lord gave us.. As we approached she immediately apologized for not accepting praying because she was distracted and a lot was on her mind. I then told her the Lord spoke to us about her last night and she was immediately intrigued. We stated that her “trust had been violated” and that Jesus was there. He cried every tear with her and then she said ” he was” we both were astounded because it was such a confirmation. We than began to tell her how much Jesus loved her and had a plan for her life. That He is her Father and her provider to trust and believe that He is real and is for her! She then received prayer and me and my friend wrote her a beautiful letter and prayer which we gave to her as we continued on our journey.

Proverb 16:9
In their hearts humans plan their course,
    but the Lord establishes their steps.

If nothing I have learned indeed we may plan our lives, our desired destination and even vacation but as a bride of Christ the Lord establishes our steps. lol Don’t take anywhere he leads you as a coincidence or even for selfish purposes because there are people all around you he wants to use you to touch with his love. Will you be sensitive to his voice, his leading and will you obey? Do so and watch him leave you in awe! I know New Braunfels will be impacted and Holy Spirit growth will happen in that city and in the hearts of the men, woman and children all for Gods glory! Amen

-From Jesus with Love






My Valentines Letter To Jesus….My Marriage Vows


I know valentines day has passed but wanted to share a sweet moment that I had that day. 3 years ago began my covenant relationship with Jesus I didn’t know what true love was until I surrendered my desire to be loved to him. Since then he has captured my heart, my body, my mind and soul. Truly the God that we serve is so gentle, so tender, so loving, so gracious, so good, so funny, so faithful, and so steadfast. He indeed has become my everything. You see before surrendering to the Lord I didn’t know you could be this intimate with him, I thought he was just a distant God who watched over us, answered prayer and got upset if we did something wrong but that is so far from the truth lol. The saddest part is many people see Jesus this way because they have allowed Man, religion….and I hate to say it the Church, Christians and even pastors to show them who God is rather than looking at Jesus life to be a true reflection of the heart and nature of the one true God!

Exodus 34:1, 4-10
“A God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love

So all of this in my heart prompted me to share my relationship with two other young ladies who then decided to give themselves wholeheartedly to Jesus in a covenant relationship on Valentines day. We had our church young adults ministry and we held a short but sweet wedding ceremony. Where three of my friends bought purity rings and vowed to keep themselves for Jesus until their marriage. It was so awesome. We all had vows we wrote to Jesus and had witnesses to hold us accountable. I am now excited to do this journey with my friends and many others who are now beginning to desire intimacy with God and take their walk with Jesus seriously! These are photos of my friends below…as the Beyoncé song goes “If you like what you see put a ring on it”…well Jesus did lol!celibacy

So here go my marriage vows to the King of My heart Jesus after 3 long years of marriage lol:
 Jesus, we have been through so much together. The first two years was the most difficult I had many thoughts of doubt and even divorce at moments but, your relentless patience, love, gentleness, and faithfulness held me together. You continue to make me feel like I am the only woman in all the world that you love. You have made me stronger, better, you have encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone. You have been my anchor, my rock, and my protector when fear has set in. You have never left my side when many times I have wandered. You have never lusted for another when many times my eyes and my heart has wandered. You are indeed made just for me and I just for you. You have taught me the love and beauty in submission and seeking your wisdom in every decision as my life partner. You have comforted me in the most darkest moments. You held me together when no one else could. My tears are liquid words that you only can read and understand. You have gone before me in all things and as my rear and front guard you have hedged me finely. You are indeed the true lover of my soul. You have shown me love that surpasses anything of this world. Your presence is something I cherish may I never take it for granted. I consecrate myself to you my love on this day. I give you my body, my heart, my soul, my mind  to be fully yours. I vow to stick this out through thick and thing for all of eternity.  I vow to always make you the first person I talk to in the morning and the last at night. I vow to be your help mate, laying down my life to help you build your kingdom. To cover your mission and purpose in prayer. I vow to defend, stand up and be unashamed of you and who you are to me. I vow to share you with others because this is the only marriage you have graced to be and “open marriage”. I vow to take care of our children and family. Jesus I love you take this strong-willed, hotmess of a girl to be your bride!

Isaiah 62:5
As a young man marries a young woman, so will your Builder marry you; as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.

As a believer living in this time we have the most beautiful grace to know Jesus even more intimately because we are his “Bride” that goes for you to guys 🙂 . The Church is the bride of Christ but since were individual members and our bodies are his temple we too are individual are his bride. In my season of singleness I have come to know and love Jesus as my hubby before my physical hubby comes! lol He has taught me submission, trusting in him, consecrating my body to him alone, seeking him for wisdom before I make any major decisions, helping me be a good steward of my time so we have time for each other, going on dates with him and including him in every aspect of my life. Jesus has truly been preparing me for marriage and teaching me what it means to be an Ephesians 5 Wife, A Titus 2 and A Proverbs 31 woman. You don’t have to wait start or grow in these attributes ladies when you get a husband start now with the Lover of your soul, Jesus!. Marriage is suppose to be a reflection of your relationship with Jesus anyway! Its been amazing and He is the Perfect Husband lol

-From Jesus with Love <3