Hearing From Me Is As Easy As Breathing

Hello family,

It has been a long while since I wrote a blog forgive me for my absence. I have been really busy here in the community and also my Youtube Channel however, the Lord reminded me that I wasn’t feed the flock on the website. Moreover,

he really wanted to get his messages out. To spread his writings and words far and wide to bring hope to many. Before I was just writing down things I have experienced and lessons Jesus was teaching me. However, now Jesus has restored the grace of hearing his voice. So I will be sharing the messages he gives me everyday so that you maybe encouraged and strengthened as well!

Since my fall in discernment last year I lost the grace to hear his voice. If I can be honest I was saddened but a bit relieved because I would always become so full of anxiety when trying to have conversations with Jesus or write down what I thought he was saying. The devils would pound me with doubt, unbelief, fear and so much anxiety that I would be deceived again and more over that I was just talking to myself. So it had 9 months and I had became comfortable just getting rhema words from him and getting instructions through the books I read. Also through my spiritual covering as well. Mother Clare who is my spiritual mother, told me that she wanted me to began journaling again. So despite by hesitation and fears I had to be obedient so I began today writing all that happened during prayer

I woke up this morning after having a dream with a friend of mine in it where he gave me some ice cream to eat. I ate it all there were more to the dream but I didn’t remember I then asked Holy Spirit the dreams with me eating something is that spiritual warfare/ witch craft and I got in the BP “Holy Spirit” 1 John 2:27. By the way BP is referring to the Bible Promise I use for discernment. It is a tool Jesus has given us to use to go deeper in discerning his will and its only $2.99 on Amazon. I encourage every believer to use this for discernment as well.  So thought, uh oh and felt I needed to really pray in the spirit. 

Then I went outside to use the restroom and I saw on a bucket the word “ SCEPTER” and I knew that meant authority. I felt the Lord was reminding me to use my authority. As I set with him in adoration for a bit I began to readings from the Bible and various holy books to get some direction from Him. I got readings on “Guilt” and the last reading I got was titled “Hearing and Seeing Jesus”. What stuck out to me that it said “99% of the time we don’t hear or see Jesus because of our unbelief or false guilt …self-hatred of ourselves so thought the Lord then maybe wanted to speak to me”

I thought okay maybe Jesus wants me to practice again hearing his voice.

So I came to him writing in my journal saying,

 Lord from all of the readings you gave me this morning in prayer I feel in my heart you are wanting us to use our scepters, the authority given to us by consecrated a fast and praying for repentance for ourselves and our nation Lord?

Lord is there anything on your heart?

Jesus began,
My Beloved daughter why so tense and full of anxiety I am right here with you. I have always been and dwell within you little one. No need to fear, my desire is that you would began to hear and see me more clearly but, it has been a water gate of guilt that has stopped you from coming to me. Hence all the readings I gave you today were in reference to the steep condemnation and unbelief you were walking in. There is much I want to tell you and much I desire for you to be prepared for. 

I am so proud of you my  little one, Mother Mary Elisha that name suites you very much. I will use you to speak as an oracle on my behalf. Many won’t listen, many will rebel and many will disregard my words to you because of your stature, your demeanor, and how you look but, be not dismayed you are my voice.  I have put my words in to your mouth even though many times they may be strong words don’t fear. 

For as Father Ezekiel said your words, your prayers, will be those that snatch your brethren from the edge. So don’t fear little one, the fruit you bare will be much later but, walk in obedience to me and to your superiors Mother and Father Ezekiel. You are indeed blessed to have them as your shepherd and overseers. They adore you and love you very much, don’t take their wisdom and council for granted. Never do that dear one, I will always honor your obedience to them rather than any sacrifice you give. For when you honor them you, honor me. 

Now I want to talk to you about what is to come. I have called you here on this mountain as a beacon of hope for all nations and a source of light for those who are in darkness. Don’t think everyone I send here will be fit to walk in the Franciscan vocation but, many will come in their season to grow, to be stretched, to be purified, and then to be taught if they are willing to yield to the authorities I have put overhead in this community. If they don’t they too will leave in a while but, your job my little one is to love, love, and then love some more. You here not only to pray but, to be an example  of my love to all your brothers in lowliness, in humility, and in meekness. Submit to all my beloved and don’t take offense I want you to really work on that my love 

 Lord I can’t work at anything please help give me the grace Lord too truly have this attitude of heart its so hard for me Lord

Jesus responded,

I know beloved that is one of your greatest weaknesses and my greatest strength in you. So the graces have been given, but you must have a better resolve dear one. Don’t get lax daisy and when you feel that way just call upon me and I will be near. Of course always run to my Mother, she is a treasure trove full of graces and mercies dear one. She is the one cradling, nurturing and pruning you through all of this. You are my special gift to her dear one.”

Thank you Lord!

(However, I was doubting again and being filled with anxiety to stop writing and Jesus could sense that)

Jesus read my thoughts,

I see you tensing up already. Ease up my little one, ease up take a deep breath. I want you to write all that I say to your heart. Receiving my thoughts and love for you as easy as breathing

 Lord you make it sounds so easy, (at this point I was thinking Jesu has to be kidding it is so hard for me, the anxiety and the doubt are overwhelming)

Jesus responded,

But it is my beloved when you have faith and confidence in me. That it’s not what you do, or how you feel but you come in my presence because you know I love you. You know I desire you and you know I want to speak to you. Not only for your sake for the sake of others my little one

 Oh Lord please helps

Jesus continued,

I am here for you my beloved I truly am. Share these things with Mother Clare let her council be your guide dear one. You are truly blessed, extremely blessed dear just always remember the greater the privilege the greater the humility dear. That should cause you to go lower, lower, and even lower loving your littleness and nothingness and seeing me as your all in all.

Me: Okay Lord thank you so much Jesus I trust in you, Jesus I trust in you, Jesus I trust in you

That was the end of the message from Jesus, with Love!

God Do You See Me

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The God who sees

The God who knows you

The God who created you

The God who formed you

Isaiah 43:1

But now, thus says the Lord who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel;

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name; you are Mine.

For the past two days this scripture has been going through my mind and heart as I began to really meditate deeply on each word, each sentence over and over again allowing it to sink deeply in my heart. That this was not just a prophecy that Isaiah was speaking to Israel nor was it just for our for Father Jacob but this scripture was meant for me…for you. The Lord is speaking directly to me and to everyone of his children who have felt forgotten, rejected, and even worthless. This all began after watching the amazing TV sereis “ The Chosen” which I encourage all believers to watch and to please share with everyone. It has touched my heart in way that I can’t explain. It’s a sereis about the life of Jesus, I know some maybe reading this and thinking yea we have seen so many Jesus movies but, this one is different. The writing is so impeciable that it has to be truly Holy Spiirt inspired and heavenly indeed. It depicts not only the life of Jesus but, his heart, personality, character also that of all the apostles and their lives before encountering Jesus. You get to know each one, their own stories and life who they were and how they became different after meeting the Messiah.  It draws you in so deeply, and the first season leaves you hanging for so much more. 

The first episode introduces Matthew, Simon Peter , Andrew, Nicodemus and the main character of the episode Mary Magdalene. It shows her life in despair not only by being a prostitue by the name of “lilith” but dealing with demonic manifistations that cause her to go into spells where the demons attack people. It shows her in the beginning as a small girl , innocent and scared ccoming to her father who remindes her to recite Isaiah 43:1 anytime she is afriad. She has a doll that she is holding and now older has kept that doll and tries to recite the prayers after the demonic spell but to no avial  she tares the prayer up and throws it in the water. She becomes hopeless and was about to commit sucicde then Jesus comes. As she enters a tavern drinking a concution to num her from the pain Jesus, the Messiah appears seemingly out of no where telling her that she doesn’t have to do that any more. The demons within her want to run from Jesus so she asked Him to leave her alone and begans to walk out of the tavern. Jesus follows her out and calls her by her real name “Mary of Magdala”. She is utter shock and says who are you and he recites Isiah 43:1….Thus says the Lord who created you…
It ends with her breaking in tears in his arms as he frees her from all the demons.

This scene has replayed over and over in my mind. I have never been a prostitue or raped but, how I can relate to Mary Magdalene if we were honest we all can. I was once a girl who was hurt by the world and striving to be seen. I was once a girl who was afraid, felt so forgotten by God and thought my prayers fell on empty ears. I was once a a girl tormented by demonic attacks, so fearful of the dark and thought the demons had power over me. I was once a girl who was insecure and wasn’t happy with who I was. I was once a girl who felt hopeless thinking “this is the story of my life” nothing would ever change as certain cycles would happen over and over again.  THEN I MET HIM, I MET JESUS and just one look my way changed everything.

It was through my first prophetic word from my cousin October 2014 after 29 years of living life for myself, praying empty prayers, crying out to the Lord but not seeing any manifestation when she said “God has not forgotten you…help is on the way”  with tears in my eyes that I realized “He sees me”. He had heard every cry of my heart before then, had heard every prayer and catched every tear, he saw me. Then after that I made a decision to give my life to him fully surrendering Jan 1, 2015 telling him I was afraid to give him complete control but, I would if he wanted it then immeaditely my phone dinged with a notification which happened to be the bible verse of the day 

Isaiah 41:10
Don’t be afraid for I am your God, Don’t be discouraged for I am with you. I am here to help you and strengthen you. I will lift you up victoriously with my right hand

“He saw me again and answered me” I was in tears, God sees me. You beloved one, reading this God sees you too, he hears you, He is right there with you, and he will never leave you. Since seeing this episode my heart has been burden for the many who feel forgotten by God the many who don’t realize how personal and familiar he is in our day to day lives. He is God who does life with us and he is speaking all the time but, many don’t recognize it. As we tend to base on our relationship with God on how are lives are going rather than who He is. Hagar is great example being some one of a lower class in her time, a servant to Sarah, Abraham wife and not only that but his mistress who bore Ishmael. Who wasn’t even the promised child but when Sarah got upset with Hagar and jealous kicking her and Ishamel out of the house God saw her and met her where she was at.In the wilderness with a hungry child who was dying, a servant, low income, of no worth in the eyes of the world, a mistress, with a bastard child yet God saw her and heard her cry and delivered her. As she cried out “He is the God who sees”

Genesis 16:13
She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”

I don’t know what is going on in your life, or who the world has labled you to be. You may be of no worth in the eyes of the world, your peers, your family, your loved one or even your spouse. You may feel so alone, hurting so bad, tormented even but I am here to tell you that God sees you beloved. He knows you by name, He created you and formed every detail of your being. From the number of hairs on your head, to that that figure you don’t like so much, to that nose you complain about to that character flaw you wish you could get rid of, to that heart only He can see and repair. Yes my beloved one, He knows you by name, so don’t fear anymore. Don’t fear the storm that is surrounding you, don’t fear the past that you regret or the future that you cannot see, don’t fear being alone because He will always be with you. He has redeemed every detail of your life and you are his. Before the foundation of the world, yes, the Holy One of Israel, Jesus Christ breathed you from his heart  and sent you into this world. And the day you were born he told all of heaven and earth “THIS ONE, IS MINE”. You are His beloved and he has great things in store for you don’t give up He loves you. Help is on the way…God sees you.

-From Jesus With Love

Thank You For The Fire

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Fire purifies

Fire refines

Fire purifies

Fire burns

Fire is hot

Fire gives off light

Fire is able to ignite everything it touches.

Fire stands out

Jesus will always be with you in the Fire

Daniel 3:25
He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of Man”

I was in adoration before the Lord a couple of days ago in worship, when he played the song “ Thank you for the Fire” by Ginny Owens and the song struck my heart so deeply. My walk with the Lord has been full of many trials however these past few months where the most fieriest trials yet however, as I found myself before him in such peace and full of hope I can actually say with my whole heart “ Thank you Lord, for the Fire”. 

As believers we repeat this common phrase often in prayer, conversations, in our worship music “ Lord set me on fire”, “Lord burn in me”, “Lord make me a living sacrafice”…..urm do we really know what that means? lol That is one of the most dangerious prayers and phrases to cry out to the Lord because he will do just that. To be set on fire for the Lord is to go through the fire to be purified, refined, crushed, pressed until all that remains is him burning within you. Many want the fire of God but, are not willing to burn in suffering and trials to obtain that purity and refinement that he uses for our good for his glory. I too cried out to the Lord so many times in worship and in prayer that I wanted to be set on fire for him, that he should burn everything in me that is not of him, that I wanted to be a living sacrafice a sweet aroma to him and he is doing just that so Lord I thank you.

Jesus said if you wish to follow me you must deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me”. The Lord has created designer crosses for each of us which come with designer fires as well or fireary trials. The crosses in our lives he speaks about are any pain, inconvenice, test, or trials from the greatest to the ones we think so insignificant are crosses we get to carry for the Lord for salvation of souls. A simon’s cross, we will all suffer in this world but when you unite your sufferig to Jesus offering all that he is permitting to him then you are denying your (self-love)  carrying your cross and following Jesus. There you will indeed find your faith and the greatest intimacy with Jesus. Some of these cross come in a form of fieary trials a death of a loved one, sickness, betrayl, being slandred with defimation of character, false accusations, demonic attack or oppression, troubled or sick child or family memember, infidelity, sudden loss of income/job, persecution, false imprisonment, injustice, sexual or emotional abuse just to name a very few. These are trials the Lord allows in many of his childrens lives to refine them to purity as they also grow in faith and much virtue.

WHEN YOU TRUST God In the fire you will find HEAT which allows all foriegn fragments and particles to rise to the surface of your heart to be cleaned. You will find what it is you really belive by your reaction and response as the Lord begans to create a Pure heart within you that responds like Christ “Father nevertheless not my will be done yours be done”. In the fire you will find THE MOUTH OF YOUR ENEMIES CLOSED. Just as Daniel found the lions mouths shut you will see the Lords hands of deliverance as you continue to trust him even in the midst of heat all around you. In the fire you will find supernatural PEACE that passes all understanding that will keep your heart and eyes fixed on him alone. There will always be FOUR PEOPLE IN THE FIRE…. You, Father, JESUS and Holy Spirit!! Just as he was with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego he too will be your sole companion in the fire the one to carry you through, protect you and deliver you. In the fire you will have great intimacy with Jesus because he is nearest to those with a brokenheart because when you suffer he suffers too. In the fire you will find THAT HE PLACED WITNESSES TO WATCH YOUR TRIAL UNFOLD TO TESTIFY OF HIS GLORY! Just as he did with Daniel even his enemies were astonished at God’s saving power and were looking for them to be burned by the fire and just as Job’s friends who came rather not to console him but, to admonish him in his trial. However, the Lord used them to witness his deliverance and restoration power in Job’s life.

Daniel 3:26-28

26 Nebuchadnezzar then approached the opening of the blazing furnace and shouted, “Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!”

So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, 27 and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.

28 Then Nebuchadnezzar said, “Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king’s command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.

So don’t you see the Fireary trial you are going through right now is purifying your heart to be conformed to the image of Christ. It is testing your faith so that you will have unmovable confidence in the Lord. It is growing your character so that may be able to obtain the fullness of grace he has for you. It is teaching you patience so you may be fully persuaded in the Lords faithfulness. It is growing you in brothlery love and teaching you not to be moved by the opnions of men. It is strenghting your trust in the Lord so that you will rely soley on him. It is growing you in virtue and sanctifying you so that you may be blamless and spotless on that day lacking nothing. So my friends began to thank the Lord for the Fire, thank him for his immense mercy and grace towards you. Thank him for his faithfulness and amazing love he has bestowed on you to draw you so close to him in this way. Thank him for his goodness, for the amazing testimony he has already written for you that will indeed be for your good and His glory as many souls will be won upon hearing your story .

Thank him for the Fire, for the greater the Fire, the greater the refinement, the greater the faith, the greater the intimacy, the greater the testimony and the greater the LIGHT that will blaze for him for all the world to see!! 

Jesus I thank you for the FIRE!!!

-From Jesus with Love


“I AM Shaped By Every Word HE says”

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The song ” I AM NO VICTIM’ from Bethel by Kristene DiMarco has been ringing through my head today even this morning when I got up. I knew it had to be the Holy Spirit and indeed it was for the words are so simple yet, so powerful. In this season,the battle and the fiery trials have been ferocious  as I have  been facing many challenges and things that have tested my faith like never before. Many times I have fallen, many, many times but, in Gods mercy he has picked me back up with his chords of loving kindness. Giving me the grace and courage to forge ahead. I didn’t realize that I was beginning to allow the trials to shape me rather than allowing the fire to refine me and Gods words to shape me. You see the Lord would warn me about fiery trials ahead so I would be prepared and be victorious in my response. However, I would find myself full of fear and anxiety. You see the Lord puts us through fiery trials to refine to clean up everything impure with in us.

Zechariah 13:9
The Lord highlighted this word to me today that I released in 2016. I am feeling this word very strongly for many right now. Be encouraged!

How many times I have prayed that specific prayer. Lord burn everything in me that is not of you, consume me with the fire of your love but when I found myself in the fire I would easily become discouraged and allowing what I was going through to shape me rather then Gods fire to refine me.  So that is where I have found myself utterly downcast, wounded, easily offended, sensitive to remarks against me, feeling rejected and alone.  When the Lord reminds me  in a rehma

”  Do not fear the reproach of man nor be terrified by their insults rather pray for them  for they are scourging me”

Even knowing the enemy will use the closest people around you to shoot his arrows with their words , God uses the closest people to refine you in charity. That when the arrows come you would respond in love and how difficult that has been for me if I may be honest. Through these trials many arrows in my identity have been attacked and I found myself doubting even believing some of them concerning my role in leadership feeling of  not good enough, in friendship going thru betrayals, in relationships feelings of insecurity, in my relationship with Lord feeling judged by others.  I would find myself looking for someone, a loved one I could run too, a confidant who would understand , who would comfort me but found no one….and I should find no one because Jesus is all of these. I found myself running back to him where I should’ve gone too in the first place as he began to impress on my heart..WHO DO I SAY THAT YOU ARE?

Jesus calls me

The anointed one,
His Servant who he has chosen
He has known me before the foundation of the earth
He has redeemed me and I AM his and He is mine
I am his beloved
I bring him delight
I AM beautiful
I share in his promises and have his divine nature
I AM a peacemaker
I AM  a concquery
I AM a gift , a pearl of great price that he has won
I AM  an intercessor
I have the gift of dancing on the devils head with my prayer and intercession
I AM his Warrior Bride
I AM Bold and Courageous like Joshua, a strong leader
The demons HATE that I never give up
I was created to dance in the fire
I AM Fearless and Brave
I AM Jesus’s Hotmess
I Am a laid down lover
I AM a priest
I AM a teacher
I AM a Disciple
I AM loved
I AM Forgiven
I AM not alone
I AM protected
I AM not rejected but accepted
I AM a child, a daughter of the King
I AM  betrothed to the most powerful person in all the universe and he has given me authority
I have Greatness ahead of me
I AM a Holy Saint
He is crazy in love with me with all my weakness
He calls me his own very lowly tool of salvation

…..as the lyrics too Kristene Di Marco songs “I AM NO VICTIM” rings in my head

I am who He says I am
He is who He says He is
I’m defined by all His promises
Shaped by every word He says
Oh I am who He says I am
He is who He says He is
I’m defined by all His promises
Shaped by every word He says

So who does God say you are? Allow his words to shape and define you. Not the storm, not the trials and definitely not what others say about you. You are not who they say you are but you are who God says you are!

-From Jesus with love






Living Heaven On This Earth Through Child Like Faith


You know coming into the fullness of my relationship with the Lord I have heard from those around me say I seem to be child like almost naïve. Which was slightly discouraging to say the least however, the Lord has given me revelation of what it means to enter into the kingdom with child like faith! Then I also had another person make a statement they heard a pastor preach stating that in the bible it states no man can see God face to face referencing Moses. So those who say they have seen Jesus or gone to heaven are lying because its not possible. Hearing that I was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe so many believe that reality. During contemplating those thoughts and how the Lord has manifested his presence in my life in such amazing ways. He gave me the revelation of the scripture  Matthew 18:3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven . This scripture is for our lives now, there are many believers who have intellectual knowledgeable minds not so much as a child and they will inter into the kingdom however, I believe the Lord means for those who are living on this earth we have the ability to experience heaven on earth now!. As the Lord prayer states in Matthew 6:10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

 In heaven we will see the Lord face to face, walking and talking with him experiencing his presence daily. Then I had another friend tell me she loves how I see God in everything and I told her yea he is here with me in everything. I soon realized he has given me the grace to have child like faith which he wants all his children to have. So many of us have made Jesus a religion, theology, a building, an image, or even just the bible to be honest. We believe for things so far away in our thought….oh only once when we get to heaven, or Jesus doesn’t do the things of the bible anymore. However, its time we empty ourselves of your ways and what we  have been taught and stop putting Jesus in a box with limitation. Thinking there is no way we can possible see Jesus face to face while living…does his word say “Matthew 5:8  Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God“….there is no possible way that Jesus literally talk to us, hearing his voice audible that is the old testament idea…didn’t he say John 10:27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me“…..there is no possible way to have supernatural heavenly experiences…… You see as Christians a lot of us lack that child like faith & imagination. Ask him to empty you of yourself, all your beliefs and limitations you put on him and even pride. Then Jesus, him for child like faith and imagination I guarantee it you will began to see how present he is with you everyday! Its the most amazing experience and walk you can have with the only Living true God, our Lord Jesus Christ. You will began to see him in his daily consolations to you, I tell my sisters that Jesus is the best imaginary friend I could’ve ever asked for LOL. Yea I said, Jesus is the image of the invisible God but he is ever so present and real even though at times you wont see him but, the longer you walk with him and acknowledge him believing in child like faith his presence because more real to you. Who knows by his mercy will open your spiritual eyes manifest his physical presence to you. He desires so desperately to be acknowledged in all we do and once you began to do that. He will go with you shopping, help you pick out outfits, bring people to you, sing love songs over you via the radio or walking into a store, or whether its in a form of a butterfly fluttering around you just to say, Hey I love you (one of the ways he shows me his presence),  or is hearing his voice audibly, or having him manifest in a dream and talk to you. He desires to be acknowledged daily and included in all that you do because he is there! When I began to see the Lord not only as my God and Father but as my friend who yearns to walk and talk with me daily. I began to treat him as such, talking to him in my car, shower, at the mall people watching haha, at the movies, cooking at the house.Just honestly including him in everything I do and he began to include me in the work of his kingdom as well revealing to me his heart in such amazing ways. So lets humble ourselves and enter into heavens kingdom now on this earth by trusting the Lord and coming to him like a child would to their father and including him in everything like you would a friend! God bless!