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Prayer to Annihilate Evil Encroachment

This prayer was written by Mother Elisabeth to combat the oppression of the enemy when it gets too difficult.

You see, encroachment is intrusion on a person’s territory, or rights. The Lord allows suffering and uses the demons as his policemen to train us in warfare and even sanctify us. However, many times the demons know when souls are carrying a cross willingly for Jesus. They will take it a step further by going past the boundaries that are permitted by God and that is when we can declare the Law of Encroachment. Because the demons are dogs on a chain and if we give them room, they will take it a lot further to bring such heavy oppression that brings hopelessness. That is how you can know that you are being encroached upon.

Jesus said, (1 Corinthians 10:13), “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Prayer To Annihilate Evil  Encroachment

I take authority, in the Mighty Name of Jesus the Christ, and shut down all evil, demonic encroachment, revoking the enlistment to enlarge hell, obstructing the diabolical schemes of persuasion, disguising sin to attract. I command, decree, and declare a hedge about the soft targets of impressionable hearts of the easily persuaded, guarding against the iniquities of the works of the flesh, starving its appetite to feed. I diminish hell’s strategy to enlist souls in the name of Jesus.

I overt the lies and the deception of the evil spirits and all demonic entities exposing the tactics to undermine. I Divinely intercept, blocking the spheres of condemnation. There Is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, whom the Son set free is free indeed. I speak forth Divine reversal annulling every diabolical thought employed to divert the Voice of God, for the sheep knows the Lord’s Voice and a stranger he will not follow; in the name of Jesus.

I seize recurring thoughts of the past designed to obstruct the future. I take cover under the wings of the Almighty God shielding the righteous. I speak forth cease and desist unto the encroaching spirits. I unblock the spirit of control. I deny access, expunging manifestations. A shield constructed before us obstructing the arrows by day and countering the terror by night in the name of Jesus. I invoke the Law of Encroachment, I call upon the holy angels to remove all evil creatures and to break this operation over us. I declare in the name of Jesus those actions against us to be encroachment against our rights on earth and ask the holy warring angles to enforce this law now in the Mighty Name of Jesus the Christ!, Amen!

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