The Stench of Gossip

“The sin of Gossip is like a smelly diaper before me and all of heaven”  -Jesus

Yes, Gossip has a stench to it whew, I have stunk a time or two….okay if I can be honest many times. Gossip is when you speak about someone negatively and they are not present to defend themselves. Furthermore, in the eyes of the Lord gossip is even when you THINK negatively about someone in your heart. Some may object and say wait a minute but, I didn’t speak bad about anyone so how can that be gossip? We forget that the Lord dwells in our hearts. John 14:23
So if he dwells in our hearts then Jesus and all of heaven hears our every thought.

Psalm 139:2-4 You know when I sit down and when I get up. You know my thoughts before I think them. You know where I go and where I lie down. You know everything I do. Lord, even before I say a word, you already know it. (NCV translation)

You see in heaven everything is transparent, every thought is known before the Lord and all the saints. Not just when we arrive there but even now, how embarrassing! It makes you take a good look at your heart attitude and the thoughts of your heart to ensure they are pure. That is what the Lord is desiring a people, a bride with a pure heart, pure motive, and pure thoughts to dwell in. A pure heart to the Lord is irresistible and many of us speak with our lips concerning the things of God but, our hearts are far from him.

Matthew 15:8 These people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me.

Gossip is such a serious offense because not only do you speak against your brother or sister but, in actuality anytime you gossip you are speaking against Jesus himself. We forget many times that Christ too lives in that person, whether they know him or not they are an image of him. So when we speak against anyone out loud or in our hearts we “scourge” the Lord all over again. We put him back on the cross beating him not with whips as did the Roman soldiers but with our words. Not only that but you open a door for the demons to sift you and the person you were gossiping too. Gossip is a double edge sword as it causes you to sin and the other person you were speaking too, even if they just listened it’s a sin as well. Don’t let them spread whatever it is you told them because now you have caused a greater breach for more demons to come and many more to fall into sin. 

There was a story that I was told concerning Gossip where a lady went into confession and told a priest that she had sinned by Gossip. The priest told the women go home get a pillow and cut it. Then pour all the contents of the pillow outside your window. So she did as the priest instructed then came back to him he then told her to go back and pick up each feather that had been poured out the pillow. She retorted why that is impossible and the priest let her know that’s how it was when she gossiped. It will be impossible to repair the damage as it has spread everywhere.

The same goes with the contents of our hearts when we think a negative thought about someone it spreads through our hearts and all of heaven. When we then approach the Lord we come with unconfessed sin and with this stench that is so repugnant to him and all of heaven. Twice the Lord has shown me the sin of Gossip in my own heart. Once, was when I had just started to do communion and had a beautiful picture of the Lord in front of me. I had just consecrated the bread and wine then all of a sudden an invisible force knocked down the cup spilling the Lords blood everywhere and on his photo. I was completely shocked and flabbergasted, I knew this was an attack but why would the Lord allow his body and blood to be desecrated in that way. I knew I had opened a door so I went to my rhema book and I got “Gossip”. I was stiff in fear, humility and lost for words as I saw the blood just running down the picture of his face.  Initially I was confused because I knew how devastating it was to Gossip and tried very hard not to speak against anyone then the Lord made me to know it was the conversations of my heart he had heard. Where I spoke against a brother in my heart.  I couldn’t believe it and began to cry in repentance that I had hurt the Lord so deeply. That indeed when I spoke against this brother in my heart I had blooded the Lord all over again with my words. That is how devastating Gossip of the mouth and heart is to the Lord.

Then another time was just today, here on the mountain. I found myself discontent, grumbling in my heart having to clean a feces bucket that was for my superiors. I had thought to myself why they couldn’t do it. I immediately tried to cast down the thought but, it was too late it had slipped into my heart then I heard the Lord admonish me saying

“I respect my servants very much anyone who treats them with scorn and contempt will pay severely for it”

“Gulp” lump in throat moment wouldn’t you say? Then I got home asking the Lord what he wanted me to do with my time using my bible promises book. Which I use for discernment and I got “Gossip” another lump in my throat and of course I objected really examining my conversations I had throughout the day. However I remembered my grumbling from earlier and asked the Lord was he talking about the attitude of my heart and the negative thought I had. I got “Holy Spirit oh another lump in my throat but, the good thing is it led me to write this blog lol. As the Lord continues to have me bare my weakness and his correction in my soul so others can learn.

So what has been the conversations of your heart? If people could read your mind would it line up with what your mouth is saying? Have you had negative conversations about others in your heart as if no one can hear you forgetting God can and all of heaven? Sorry to say you are stinking right about now. So repent before the Lord in your heart and confess these thoughts with the person you were thinking so negatively about to ensure you leave no doors open for the demons to sift you. More importantly examine your heart and take every thought captive that rises up against God or your brother/sister. God bless you!

-From Jesus With Love