God’s Seminary: Lessons of Love University


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 “University is not necessary. Anointing, compassion and love are necessary. I will provide ALL these things. Unless I specifically lead you to Bible College, you can be equipped right where you are by simply going about doing good, studying Scripture, praying. Praying for others and seeking Me. Trust Me that I reward good wills. You cannot out-give Me. If you prove by your sincerity that you want with all your heart to serve Me, start with what you already have and add to that. I will do all the rest.

“Learning brings pride; charity edifies.


(still small voice youtube channel)

Recently I was asked from a youtube subscriber “how to prepare for ministry” and I told her you don’t. The Lord is the one who prepares you. Many times when we realize we have a call of God on our lives we rush trying to fulfill that call. Not realizing its the Lord himself who will direct your path and lead you into your purpose as you do all things WITH HIM. Furthermore, we live in a generation were many Christians seem to follow other Christians rather than following Jesus. We have conformed to the standard of man ways rather than the move of the Holy Spirit. So when many hear the call of God upon their lives we naturally think we then have to go to school, find a spiritual covering, get involved in a ministry somewhere and find out our gifts which are all good. However, I have come to know Gods ways are definitely not our ways and his way is always THE WAY OF LOVE.

John 13:35
A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples,if you love one another.


That is indeed Gods Seminary his way of educating and training not only those he loves. but those he calls No seminary can teach you  the lessons that God can and humble in the process. You see Gods seminary refines you, kills all of self love and transforms you into the image of Christ not your favorite teacher, preacher or saints before us. Their lives are a great example for us to follow but, we must follow Jesus. As a close friend said to me a few days ago “That Nana you know your walk with the Lord is a litte cooky, is doesnt look like a cookie cutter christian” LOL. I had to laugh because Christianity was never meant to be cookie cutter and we have made it like that when the Lord reminds Nicodemous that those who are born of the Spirit are like the wind, they are led by the Spirit of the Lord.

John 3:8
The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

So to walk with Jesus is to go wherever he tells you, when he tells you and how he tells you. Not obtaining knowledge that we may know more scripture, more revelation, more prophecy, more power and gifts of the spirit but to become love itself. Which is to truly become like Christ for God is love.

So welcome to a prelude of God’s Seminary : The University of Love


  • Lesson 1: To Know Your Identity In Christ-experiencing how much God love you and what he says about you
  • Lesson 2: To love God with your whole hearts, body and mind– You will be stripped of all comforts you so easily run too rather than Jesus. Can be family, friends, food, a recreational activity, anything
  • Lesson 3: Trusting the Lord with your whole heart– You will be put in circumstances or situations that cause you to lean on the Lord and not your own understanding
  • Lesson 4: Trusting God with your provision– You will be stripped of  your won “financially security” so you can come to trust God to provide
  • Lesson 5: Forgiving all grievances- The Lord will allow those closest to you to hurt you just to see how quick you will forgive them.
  • Lesson 6: Purity of Heart- The Lord will began to convict you of wrong heart attitudes and thoughts. Also break down your pride so you desire his will above all else
  • Lesson 7: Love your enemies, Praying for them– The Lord will allow betrayal, rejection, people to speak against you, use you and persecute unjustly so that you may pray for them and love them despite the offense
  • Lesson 8: Give to the Poor and Needy– The Lord will will began putting opportunities of those around you who are in need. He will call you to give away your possessions. Give to those in need around you, taking care of them.
  • Lesson 9: Fear the Lord and not Men- The Lord will test you in situations many times painful where you will have to make a decision to follow Him or follow men, the census, the trend?
  • Lesson 10: Wearing the crown of scorn and contempt– The Lord will allow those around you to scoff and mock at you just so you can learn brotherly love and be free from men’s opinion
  • Lessons 11: Brother Love- The Lord will began to test you and teach you how to truly love your brothers and sisters in Christ. Honoring others above yourself

Welcome to the first semester of Gods University of Love. Lessons you will indeed take many, many, many times and cannot get from any seminary or church but only from experiences the Lord puts you in too refined you and teach you. Please don’t run from the process or worse drop out. How too many drop out finding it to hard or not at all what they thought so would rather go the “cookie cutter way”.  Not realizing that Gods’ University of Love although painful, bewildering and sorrowful at times is the fasted way to maturity, holiness, transformation, intimacy and the anointing of God. That’s the way to true discipleship, so allow the spirit of the Lord to lead and prepare for HIS MINISTRY.

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;

I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

-From Jesus with Love