Call of Action: As Christians We Must Wake Up and Stand In Truth!


Jeremiah 19:4-6
For they have forsaken me and made this a place of foreign gods; they have burned incense in it to gods that neither they nor their ancestors nor the kings of Judah ever knew, and they have filled this place with the blood of the innocent. They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.So beware, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer call this place Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter.

My heart grieves now more than it ever did in prayer because the heart of the Father grieves for what has been going on in our nation for so many years. We as his children,  the majority of his sons and daughter have sat silently and allowed darkness to take over our nation. If I can be honest, I too was silent for so many years or you can say indifferent . I was pro-choice, I was a democrat, not at all concerned with my country, more or less  not concerned with my future and not at all  concerned with eternity. So I thought was down to a woman’s choice, who are we to take someones free will. I mean I wouldn’t do it (say’s the person who has never been pregnant) but, if other ladies wanted to “who was I” to stop them.

Call of Action for Christians:

However, that is just the point as a christian “Who are you?” Let me tell you what you are called to be. You are sent here to testify of the true light which is Christ, You are a child of God who is a sojourner on this earth with a heavenly citizenship. You are called too live for things above and not things of the earth. You are called too be in this world but, not of this world. You are called too pray for those in authority and leaders in our government. You are called too make disciples of Jesus Christ teaching them how to obey his statues. You are called too be examples, imitators of Christ and living sacrifices. You are called too stand up before leaders and proclaim Gods word with boldness. You are called too be set apart Holy as are Father is Holy.  You  are called too speak whatever the Lord puts in your mouth and not be afraid of rejection. You are called too serve only One God, the true living God and have no other idols before him. You are called too to save others by snatching them out of the fire. You are called too subdue the earth and advance the Kingdom of God upon the earth. You are called too take back territory from the kingdom of darkness that whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatsoever you  lose on earth will be lose in heaven. You are called too prepare the way of the Lord! That is who who you are but, many, too many of us go on silently and selfishly living our lives. However, the Lord is sounding a Clarion Call today that the children of God must arise and take back this nation!! You must choose this day whom you will serve? Will you continue serving your family by not speaking out because you will be made fun or fear rejection? Will you continue to serve your Party, the Democratic Party that is so full of elite leaders who want the demise of this nation and are for murdering babies, Will you continue to serve your race  because you are a minority or African American thinking the republican party hasn’t been for “our kind” so you just cant vote for them? Will you continue to serve the world and culture that say’s its not your problem everyone has rights so stay out of peoples business? Will you continue to serve yourselves and do nothing at all, maybe not even vote because God will have his way with or without you? No, we must serve God as believers we must unite under what unites us Jesus Christ and his word. By allowing that to be our foundation and identity nothing else. We must recognize we will be held accountable for what we do and what we didn’t do when we stand before God. We will be held accountable for continuing to vote and be apart of a party that is completely against God ways. More importantly we will be held accountable for the innocent blood of babies that will be on our hands if you say nothing or do nothing.  We must wake up church and notice the signs are everyone the fig tree is due to be ripe any moment, Jesus is coming back in our generation! These babies are not just killed but, they are bodies are harvested and used for horrific things, satanic rituals etc its so heartbreaking but, very true. There is not time for us to slumber and keep our heads in the sands like ostriches trusting God will do something about it. For he already has, he sent you! Yes, you hear upon this earth to be his ambassador or righteousness so its time to fight on our knees, fight in the voting booths and stand on truth unmoved by the opposition because we are already victorious!


“The time for indignation is past; now is the time for action. The church has thickened on her lees, it is time for her to awaken the world and take an active roll in seeing to it that righteousness reigns in this country.

“Your president cannot do this alone. He needs every man and woman on board with his agenda. It is your prayers for the nation, your outcries, your educating those who are ignorant, your active roll in fighting this massive front of evil until it comes crashing down……And it’s not all about how you feel – it’s your commitment to doing the right thing when it’s inconvenient. Will you go out of your way for a serious discussion with one of your children who doesn’t know her right hand from her left as far as the battles of the powers of evil vs. good in this nation? Will you stand the heat when you are scorned for your perspective? How much are you willing to invest? That will determine your return.”- Jesus
(still small voice channel: Prophetic Message Red Heifer Vision & Interpretation: CALL TO ACTION)

Call to Action for Mothers:

We have allowed just as it was in the times of old, during Jeremiahs time to have the elite and leaders of this nation continue to follow their foreign gods and sacrifice on the altar of Moloch. Nothing has changed, when you read the bible many see it as historical especially in the new testament but its the living word. We lie in the same times right now where the Altar of Moloch now looks different and has subtlety been introduced as “abortion”. Statics show that 881,0000 children are killed every year thru abortion in America (Stats on abortions) . We have surpassed Jeremiahs time and the Lord is grieving all of heaven is grieving. We must understand that God is very serious about his word so when we serve other ‘gods” and continue to shed innocent blood it calls forth his judgment. No, the Lord will never and cannot understand abortions there is no case in his eyes that will be justified when you stand before him, you know why? Because HE IS IN CONTROL the Lord allows everything in our life. He was aware of that mother who got raped and find herself pregnant, He was aware of the young girl with health issues now is with child, He was aware of the mother finding out her child will have disabilities. He is aware of every case and He is the one that gave these women their children as gifts! (Psalm 127) Only if they would come to trust him, he knows each personas circumstance yet in all of what we think is “mess” the Lord sees it fit and right for the greatest blessing not only to the world but, that mother would need, a child.  So if your a sister reading this and the Lord led you hear its to wake you up from the lies that have swarmed your mind and heart. God has given you the greatest gift that you need. He has already made provision for you and his child.  The child you are carrying has come with gifts from heaven this world needs so please don’t kill this child. You have a very real enemy who continue to put suggestions in your mind has lied to you through family, friends, even doctors because He knows in the eyes of God this is murder and not only that it breaks Gods heart.  He knows your future is filled with hope and success if you would trust God. So don’t look to the left or the right but trust him, it may not be easy but everything will be okay.


Jesus began, “I am so glad you mentioned the reasons people are willing to kill an unborn child. Oh, My people, what is your thinking? ‘I shouldn’t have this child now, because I can’t afford it?’ Do you know who brought that pressure to bear in your thinking? It surely wasn’t ME. I gave you the gift of that child with ALL the provision you would ever need, if you will consider raising the little one according to My plans and not the world’s.

“How foolish to think that you can’t have a child without thousands of dollars put away. Please, do not think as the World thinks. Rather, trust Me. That I will provide. Because I will! And trust that I know what I am doing when I choose the time for the child to be born.

“There is no greater gift or grace in your life, other than salvation of your soul and your husband or wife, than the gift of a child. Children do not need adults to raise them. As a matter of fact, most of you only become adults after you have a child. So, it is My provision to accelerate you into a new level of life that brings with it Godly maturity.

(still small voice ministry: Prophetic message Apology for Neglecting You & Why never Abortion)

Call to Action to Our Leaders:

Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.
Leaders of this nation are in their offices because God has planted them there. He is so wise that he even uses those who are against him for his glory. Many times just like what the children of Israel, when the people no longer wanted Gods judgments or statues to be their guiding light he gives them over to exactly what they wanted. Which never ends well and that is what he has done to America. A nation that was once for God,  began to remove God thru many former presidents and leader. Removing his decrees, his statues, and even his name out of many influential places in our nation. So once we have God out the devil then has a way in. However, the Lord has raised up his servant a prayerful president who is being transformed by the Holy Spirit to lead this nation back to righteousness. The Leaders who are against Donald Trump are not against just a mere man alone but they contend with God. We know that if God is before us who can be against us! The evil and wickedness in the heart of these man and leaders will not prevail against the King of Kings and the Lord of  Host mighty in battle. The Lord is looking for leaders who will stand in righteousness, leaders who may not like Donald Trump but, believe in where he is taking this nation. He will remove those leaders who continue to fight against him. Leaders who continue to show themselves as upright in the eyes of man but, do the most wicked heinous things in the dark. All that is hidden will be brought to the light by God in due time. For this nation is the Lords, and before the foundation of the earth he had it in mind to raise this nation up in the endtimes to be a beacon of light to all the other surrounding nations.  What God said he will do and nothing can stop his decree especially when his people are praying! As a leader will you stand with God? Will you stand to make America great again? or will you continue wander blindly with a stiff neck and an obtuse mind? Please pick wisely your nation and eternity depends on it.

“For far too long people have turned a deaf ear to the complaints of those who are grieved by the corruption of this nation. Now is the time to flush the corruption from the soil of this nation so that she may arise in newness of life. This process is always painful; purification is never easy. Decay and death have been the basis for the majority of this nation’s politicians. Maintaining the status quo, passing over the real moral issues and straining on gnats. The time for that is over. I, myself, will see to it that evil is flushed from this government and its deceptive arm, the media.

(still small voice channel: Prophetic Message Red Heifer Vision & Interpretation: CALL TO ACTION)


Facts of Truth

To be honest the Lord keeps me away fro the news and rightfully so. There is so much rancor, division, slander and so much more that enters the heart of his children when we listen to news or seek after things he didn’t lead us too. But what I am about to reveals is not a conspiracy, its not something out a sci-fi film but is the devastation and disgusted truth of wickedness in our nation and the darkness that surrounds many souls. It was all the Lord’s doing to expose planning parenthood for what they were really doing for so many years. Taking fetus of unborn children and selling it on the black market.Aborted Fetuses Sold . The saddest part is their clients weren’t lowly, inhumane thugs that take these babies body parts. No, it is the elite in our nation, the rich, the powerful, political leaders, the wealthy business owners that are caught up in the most horrific satanic rituals in killing children, kidnapping them and torturing them. In prayer a few months ago as I was praying for these children I saw a 12 year old boy he seemed around that age, he was in some underground tunnel or cave, completely naked and scared to death. I knew he was being hunted, yes it was a human hunt for his life. Then a few days ago as the Lord commissioned us to pray for the trafficked children I felt a tingly sensation in my right hand during prayer. Then I received an impression that it was a child from the cloud of witness who had come to pray with me in the spirit. The child grabbed my hand as we began to pray all I could do was cry. So not only are they taken to be used for pleasure but,for torture. I was unaware of all these things until the Lord brought it up. Its seems so far from my mind and my world I just couldn’t believe. That humans would take little children and torture them for adrenaline and their blood just to get high. Which is what led me to do the blog as the Lord has burdened me to speak out and let truth be known as to what is really going on!. Many of these things sound like something out of a movie but, these are all satanic rituals and I have come to understand that those who follow Satan have a decree that is standard that before they do anything that must show the public. So why not in entertainment so no one will take it seriously and they continue on in this travesty. So does a fine job on explaining what is really going on with kidnapped children and trafficked children they are tortured for Adrenochrome, a chemical known since at least the 1930s. Kids tortured for Adrenochrome .So this has been going on for several years in our nation and government. I believe longer than that, torturing children to drink their blood all by the deep state and cabal (the elite) some, which are apart of the Democratic Party. This is what is going on in our nation, in our own government if we don’t take a stand for truth, a stand for righteousness and a stand for our President Donald! We must rise up and shake off the sleep that has had us under and say no more! America is the Lord’s, Our Children belong to the Lord, and our Future belongs to the Lord!! Stand with me saints, stand with me in prayer and boldly proclaim truth where it calls for it!

“My people, I am dead serious. Rise up and claim dominion over this land. Rise up or perish with it. This is no time to run after your pleasures and distractions. This has been your behavior of the past and that’s what they are counting on. But now you are informed. And you are not of this world.”

“Greater is He that dwells in you than he that is in the world.” I John 4:4

“Stand up and take dominion. You are not alone, the hosts of Heaven are marching with you. I am with you, in you and working through you. Stand. Stand up and take dominion.”

(still small voice channel: Prophetic Message Red Heifer Vision & Interpretation: CALL TO ACTION)