Journal Entry: Message from Jesus to his people-Be Prepared For The Rapture

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After yesterday’s message on Still Small Voice the Lord mentioned that the rapture is imminent there is no more time IF WE DONT PRAY FOR MERCY and he is coming. I thought maybe I was called to stay behind and he confirmed yesterday I am called to go. So was disappointed to say the least I really felt I was called to be a part of the remnant but I am not. So came in worship to spend time with him and the first song that plays is of course “Providence” a song I have never heard before and the first line of the lyrics goes  “ Your ways are higher than mine” . I  then said  okay Lord blaah sulking lol. Then into the 3rd song I heard a still small voice during worship say “I have a word for my people”, I dismissed it because usually I have to press in for a longer time really hear him but it seemed he wanted to talk right away. However I still began to worship thinking it would take more time to hear from the Lord so I felt a tug and reached from the bible promises for discernment to to confirm if it was the Lords will for me to speak to him now and I got
Peace: Philippians 4:7
The peace of God is much greater than the human mind can understand. This peace will keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus

Goodmorning, Lord I felt like you said you have a word for our people during worship so I want to be obedient Lord
Jesus what’s on your heart?

Jesus: (sigh)
If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves turn from their wicked ways I would heal there land but beloved they haven’t turned. They have not yielded to my council or even sought my wisdom. They continue to go on as business as usual when the world as they know it is coming to an end.
Me: ( telling myself in my heart Nasahhene don’t doubt.)

Jesus continued: “My beloved it is me I know your heart and hear many of your musing thoughts. Many of my warriors have fought the good race and now its time to bring them home while many aren’t ready. For those who have lived for themselves, for those who confess me with their mouth but hearts are far from me, for those who have lived hidden lives in darkness but publicly proclaimed me you will be left behind. Many are the trials of the righteous but the Lord delivers them from is all. For those who have given up everything for my sake, for those who have loved their neighbor, loved their enemies; those who hurt them but out of love for me you have forgiven them and live to please me, For those who are devoted to righteousness and hungering and thirsting for me I say to you. You will be taken. It will be surprise for many but don’t be disheartened with what you haven’t accomplished as I have told you heaven is only the beginning. All that you desired to do for me on earth you will do in heaven with ease all in preparation for when we return back. Men will need ministering. So your ministry will begin then”

Me: Lord so really here is no hope for mercy sorry u know I was thinking of marriage,seeing your power manifested in your endtimes army I am sorry Lord but I a bit disappointed or well a lot and all those souls who are lost now…there are so many who don’t know and will be lost for ever

Jesus: “Cease all your doubting beloved and trust in my providence as you pray even now those souls will obtain mercy that’s why I have you all still praying don’t stop you labor is not in vain concerning your family they will be transformed and zay zay will be healed”

Me: But marriage Lord

Jesus “Ah well (with a smile) beloved on the bright side you will have the wedding of your dreams ”

Me : (very cheeky) Yea Lord with you ?

Jesus: “yes beloved with me and a love you ant explain or have ever imagined on this side of heaven

Me: Help me Lord not my will but your will be done Lord thank what should I work on today

Jesus: “reach out to loved ones to see how their doing, build monuments of our love, work don’t lost hope continue to press forward in all I put on your heart to do the ministry page .Don’t stress just continue working steadily so when I come my bride is about her father’s business”

Me: okay Lord Help me to have all this truth sink in help me not harden my hear or be downcast Jesus would you grant me the grace of thankfulness and joy with expectation and please help me to be obedient to your will

Jesus: “yes dear that I will do”


-From Jesus with love

(The Lord has now mentioned there is in inkling of hope if we continue to pray for mercy and offer sacrifices to him. So saints please lets pray!)