Prepare Your Heart, I Am Coming

October 15, 2021

Hey Family, this is Rainbow.

Mother Elisha asked me to share an experience I had with you a few days ago that was eye-opening to me. I pray that it will encourage you to prepare your hearts, and to prepare your households, to try to be ready, and also to be busy about his business, and that you at least will try to keep up spending time with him as it is needed more than ever right now.

I had a really weird out-of-body experience. I went to bed close to 7AM that morning. I was closing my eyes. The last thing I told the lord was that I was going to get some rest. The next thing I know it felt closer to 12 noon and I could feel myself lying on the bed next to my kids who were asleep as well. I don’t know how I could tell but I was deep in sleep. My spirit, however, was awake. At one point I actually felt like I was sitting up on the bed, but I knew I was lying down. All of a sudden in the spirit I could hear a loud trumpet sound and then this burning desire or fire shot me in my chest. I heard a voice saying to me;

“Prepare yourself! Prepare your heart I am coming.

I could sense in my spirit that the voice was asking me to get my household ready as well. It kept saying, “Prepare your heart, and prepare yourself. I am coming soon.” The fire grew stronger in my chest, and I knew the voice was urging me to that I must tell others. So twisting and turning in the bed physically, I kept saying, “How, how do I tell them?” And in the spirit, I saw myself sharing it on our ministry Facebook page and wherever we had followers. I was urging them to prepare themselves, but I was also seriously pressing in the fact that they should continue to do the work God called them to do, and be serious about it.

After that, I blacked out again and woke up again at 3:59PM, completely disoriented. When I went outside to get my child some milk, my husband came outside. He, all of a sudden, began telling me about the Rapture and being convicted of his sins. He said to me, he too got up from his bed in the spirit but the felt something pulling him back from doing so because his body was asleep, lying down physically.

What is ironic is that we both were asleep around that time in the morning, but in different rooms. He said he got up in the spirit because I was yelling over to him that I was hearing trumpets and his heart started palpitating. It was like his spirit was saying, “Now? Already?”

I only hear about these things on YouTube or TV or from great prophets. I never thought something like that could ever happen to someone like me. Even if it were to happen, which it did, I am the least likely person to speak up about it because things like that are scary. The first thing you think is, what would other people think? Would anyone believe you? This was a needy warning to me, and I knew I need to share it somehow, even it if wasn’t in a message. I still needed to share it. Only the Father knows the time or the hour and only He can make the call for the Rapture. But here and there we tend to get lax of expecting it and we go back to normal. And so, sometimes he sends us urgent messages like this, to ignite that urgency back in us again, to be vigilant.

So even though we not when Jesus will come, let us please strive be prepared to meet him—to pray for and prepare our households and to continue to be diligent to the work that He has called us to do—to keep up with our prayers and time with him so that when he does come, he will find us doing something and not just sitting around and waiting. Let us be vigilant like we only have two days left, and work as though we have a decade left.

And as a side here, that same day I revisited an old video I watched a little after I got saved. It is about the day of judgment when we stand before God.

I really think you guys should watch it to really help you to get back on track with preparing. It’s called the “White Throne Judgment,” and it’s a snippet of it taken from an audio theater performance done by John Bevere. The link is in the transcript below [ ] and I hope that it really helps you guys.

I love you guys so very much. May we all be ready for his coming. God bless you guys until the next video. Later.

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From Jesus With Love

My Name Is Mary Elisha I started this blog 6 years ago on my journey walking with Jesus and never knew all that he had in store for me. It has been a journey of tears, trust and confidence in him. Knowing that He is my loving spouse and he wouldn't lead me astray however he has given many suprises along the way! lol Upon fully surrendering my life to Jesus, he has completely turn my world right side up. Filled me with his spirit and showed himself in supernatural ways. He has completely left me in awe leaving me with the thought.....(as most Holy Spirit filled followers of Christ also say) why didn't I surrender 15 years ago! lol. When I started this blog I was a 30 years old zealous for the Lord and desiring to make his love known because it tranformed my life. However, I didn't know the way and the road in which he would take me. It is the way of the cross, the way of holiness and the way of love. Living a life seperated from the world and compltely concecrated to him. I no longer belong to myself, but to him as he has led me to a life of hiddeness and deep intimacy I didn't know was so avalialble for all who would make their lives, their hearts his home. He has given me a new name, a renewed purpose and a heavenly family who is so very present and so real to me. Saints who cheer me on, give me council and pray for me everyday to ensure I do the Lords will and the greatest gift of all He has led me to his Mother! Who has always been My Mother just never knew it. I love Mother Mary, she is my heart, my friend and confidant and continues to prepare me to a worthy bride to her son, Jesus. It is she, who has handpicked me for this mission and to run the community "City of God: Sacred Heart Refuge" in Ghana, West Africa. This is her mission and her ministry as a gift to Jesus and I just get to be her handmaiden. Heartdwellers Ghana is an extention of Heartdwellers ministry by Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel from Still Small Voice Channel. Jesus has taught us about divine intimacy with him. As we dwell in his heart, He and the Father come to make their home within us. (John Where Jesus is all of heaven is as well because the kingom of God is within. So here may you come to get fresh manna from Jesus and any ther saints who may want to give us council, encouragment and exhortation that we may finish this race of faith and run to win the prize. To be a bride spotless, blameless adorened with purity, carying the fire of charity and zeal for our fathers glory. That we maybe ready for him when He comes back for us. Our Lord, Jesus Christ is amazing the intimate you become with him the more in awe he leaves you. I hope this blog draws you nearer to our Lord and you began to open the ears and the eyes of your heart to all that he has to say to you and show you. All of these messages are from Jesus with you. May you be blessed by his words of life. God bless you!

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