Catch the Wave and Ride It with Me

Hello, brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers Family. May you all receive the grace of diligence and faithfulness to what the Lord is asking of you to do.

I received this message last week but had to wait to share it because of discernment. It had been a really busy week as we had just ordained the new priests, I was working on our Mother of Mercy website, and correspondences. I felt I had so much going on and I wasn’t really trying to get a message from the Lord, since we had the Daddy Speaking series videos going up, which gave me the time to do all of this. This morning after prayer, I felt a strong nudge from the Lord that he wanted to speak with me, right on the heels of the message about the Rapture being delayed. I was feeling very hopeful, excited about the future. After prayer I came before him saying,

“Good morning Lord. Thank you for prompting me to stop and listen to you, to hear your heart. I know I have been so busy and thank you for continuing to keep our children fed, but I always miss our conversations. Jesus what’s on your heart?”

Jesus began,

“I am pleased with the way you have endured, and now you will come to see the fruit of your labor. I hear your thoughts beloved, of doubt as you think, ’How so, in your nation, in your family, in the valley…?”

(And as an aside, here, he is talking about the people at the bottom of the mountain, in Penasco, where we do our food ministry)

Jesus continued,

“…And even in Ghana. You have labored faithfully in my vineyard beloved. You have been pressed, squeezed, and pruned to bring forth the choicest clusters of a life of sacrifice that carries a sweet anointing. I want you to know my pleasure, all of you my beloved brides, I want you to know my delight over you. My pleasure doesn’t come from what you do for Me, but who you are in Me. Even if you were to attempt to do what I asked of you and failed a hundred times, my pleasure would be no less. I never disappoint goodwill and many of you, my brides, have loved in a posture of goodwill. You are always willing to be made willing, and willing to try when you don’t feel like it, and that pleases Me very much; just your willingness to try.

Many have battled in prayer to no avail, and sometimes beating yourself up when you fall asleep. My beloved ones, I take into account all that rages against you in prayer which you have no idea of. The mere fact that you make an act of your will to even come, brings tears to my eyes. You have no idea how many don’t come, and the many more who reject Me altogether. I am so grateful, so very grateful for every one of your sacrifices and efforts. And all of you are about to be rewarded in the most beautiful and satisfying way.

Please don’t give up my beloved ones; in your prayer, in your work, with your families and with the gifts I have given you. I am releasing to you now, new inspiration and fresh vision for the future we have ahead of us.

My little one, every single inspiration I have given you these past weeks was from Me. I know you kept wondering, ‘How could this be, with the time we have left?”

(That was before I found out the Rapture would be delayed, guys. I have had visions and inspirations about revival in Penasco, about Heartdwellers and the growth of this ministry).

Jesus continued,

“Well now you know you have been granted what all of you have prayed for, ‘More Time, More Grace and More Mercy’. Those visions and inspirations will be used to touch the lives of so many. Mother Clare was right to say you were chosen and anointed to spread the devotion of My Mother, Your Mother of Mercy. Once you share it, the Holy Spirt will help spread the devotion far and wide. She too, has waited for this moment and waited for you to be ready for this call and mission with the others. It is because of the chaplet all of Heartdwellers have been praying, that the Father tarried yet again, through her intercession, to grant you precious ones more time. I want you to dream with me again.”

I said, “Oh boy, you know my imagination and how I can really dream, Lord. Are you sure that is safe?”

(Jesus laughed)

“Yes, my beloved little one and all my brides, I want you to take hold of every promise, vision and dream I gave you in the past and revisit it. Begin to believe every vision, dream and inspiration I give you now, moving forward. This is a great Season of Faith that is upon you and the only thing that can stop my brides is their doubt and unbelief.

You can feel the tug in your heart now, ‘A healing gift? Oh no Lord not me’. Yes, you beloved. What I have shown you I now want you to go forth and do. Trust me and step out in faith. Move to that new city I have put on your heart, apply for that ministry position, start that street ministry, begin working on the songs I have given you and make an album. Start that blog and channel that you were supposed to do a year ago but have been hesitant in doing.

Yes, many of you Heartdwellers are called to feed others. You have been fed long enough and it is I, that have given you the inspiration to begin your own channels. Sharing your personal lessons in holiness, your testimonies, your gifts, and your failures. So many will be blessed by it. Don’t worry about how you’re going to sound, or look, or that you don’t have the right equipment, or you can’t write. You need none of those things, but the anointing and you have that. So, go forward. Some I have called to Ghana and you’re still hesitant. Now you have been given more time, so there is no excuse to live for yourself any longer. But I am calling you to live for Me, beloved, and follow Me. A great wave of faith and anointing is upon you all. Catch the wave, ride it with Me as graces overflow to accomplish My Will on Earth and to bring Me much glory.

Make preparations little one, for your journey to Ghana. You still have much to do in the community but make preparations now for you and the soul I have chosen to accompany you. Don’t worry about where you will sleep, where you will go. Just trust Me that I have already gone to prepare the way. And as the time draws near, doors will swing wide open for you both to enter with ease. Don’t worry, I will speak to the heart of your covering so they too, will be supportive of my decision as they make room for other chosen souls to take your place.”

That was the end of Jesus message.

We have three openings in the Refuge Community here in Taos. So, if you feel a call to live a life of substantial prayer, solitude, poverty, obedience, and to draw closer to Jesus in a deep intimate way, please email us for an application. If you feel called to Ghana to be a part of the City of God Sacred Refuge Community, please email us as well. God bless you all until the next message.

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From Jesus With Love

My Name Is Mary Elisha I started this blog 6 years ago on my journey walking with Jesus and never knew all that he had in store for me. It has been a journey of tears, trust and confidence in him. Knowing that He is my loving spouse and he wouldn't lead me astray however he has given many suprises along the way! lol Upon fully surrendering my life to Jesus, he has completely turn my world right side up. Filled me with his spirit and showed himself in supernatural ways. He has completely left me in awe leaving me with the thought.....(as most Holy Spirit filled followers of Christ also say) why didn't I surrender 15 years ago! lol. When I started this blog I was a 30 years old zealous for the Lord and desiring to make his love known because it tranformed my life. However, I didn't know the way and the road in which he would take me. It is the way of the cross, the way of holiness and the way of love. Living a life seperated from the world and compltely concecrated to him. I no longer belong to myself, but to him as he has led me to a life of hiddeness and deep intimacy I didn't know was so avalialble for all who would make their lives, their hearts his home. He has given me a new name, a renewed purpose and a heavenly family who is so very present and so real to me. Saints who cheer me on, give me council and pray for me everyday to ensure I do the Lords will and the greatest gift of all He has led me to his Mother! Who has always been My Mother just never knew it. I love Mother Mary, she is my heart, my friend and confidant and continues to prepare me to a worthy bride to her son, Jesus. It is she, who has handpicked me for this mission and to run the community "City of God: Sacred Heart Refuge" in Ghana, West Africa. This is her mission and her ministry as a gift to Jesus and I just get to be her handmaiden. Heartdwellers Ghana is an extention of Heartdwellers ministry by Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel from Still Small Voice Channel. Jesus has taught us about divine intimacy with him. As we dwell in his heart, He and the Father come to make their home within us. (John Where Jesus is all of heaven is as well because the kingom of God is within. So here may you come to get fresh manna from Jesus and any ther saints who may want to give us council, encouragment and exhortation that we may finish this race of faith and run to win the prize. To be a bride spotless, blameless adorened with purity, carying the fire of charity and zeal for our fathers glory. That we maybe ready for him when He comes back for us. Our Lord, Jesus Christ is amazing the intimate you become with him the more in awe he leaves you. I hope this blog draws you nearer to our Lord and you began to open the ears and the eyes of your heart to all that he has to say to you and show you. All of these messages are from Jesus with you. May you be blessed by his words of life. God bless you!

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