We Are In The Days Of Noah

March 13, 2020 Journal Entry

I had someone very close to me call yesterday. I was really glad to hear from that because I wanted to thank them for a book and a card they had sent me. Boy was I in for a surprise because I hadn’t talked to this person for a while and it seemed they had much on their heart.

I have mentioned to you guys in the previous post that I was just getting my confidence in hearing From Jesus again and sharing the messages he was giving me. 

I had posted a message about President Donald Trump on my Facebook page just a few days earlier before receiving this call. The Lord was affirming his re-election and presidency. So this person wasn’t too happy about that. They were very angry and disappointed about things the Lord had told me to share on social media. I knew it was the enemy speaking through them to discourage me from writing or having faith that I was hearing from the Lord because that is exactly where he hit.

As this person went on to say that I wasn’t hearing From Jesus and not only that I would get more likes and gain popularity if I would stay away from prophecies, end times message and politics because in every generation they always say “Jesus is coming” and no one knows the day or the hours. That I should just focus on preaching the gospel like other ministers do. At first I was a bit shocked then all I could do was laugh inside because I knew it was sooo the enemy really trying to discourage me from writing. As the person continued to rant on the phone I thought to myself “really Satan that all you got”.  He is good at doing that for all those who desire to follow Jesus whole heartedly. The Lord releases a grace on you and the enemy can see the areas you are struggling with. As his demons taunt you with doubt, unbelief, and fear concerning what the Lord is calling you to do. You struggle interiorly and even in prayer you cry out to the Lord about it. Then satan sends someone to tempt you or scorn you concerning that very thing. To cause you to question, second guess yourself or feed into that doubt. However, if you recognize him immediately that he loses every time. We all can be used by the devil, he uses weak Christians to attack others. I have been there myself.

This is the second time the, the devil, has pulled this one on me. I remember in my second year walking with Jesus I would press in fervently in the Lord presence in prayer at my apartment. It seemed my life had become just work and prayer. I wasn’t seeing any real fruit then nor any real consolations so I found myself being discontent, frustrated and thinking about being more laxed. The thought kept rising in my head “just live a little”, go out have some fun”..Remember the old days, see you gave your life to the Lord and look at it now, its not fun at all”. As all these thoughts assailed me I did tell the Lord in prayer that I just wanted to live a little because my life was just all about prayer, but soon realized how foolish it was and repented.  I even did a blog about it, you can read here.

Then the very next day my brother in law comes over and says the exact same words to me. That I am not called to be a pastor and I am trying to be “holy ,holy” I should just live a little.  I thought to myself waaaa, was he here in my apartment yesterday when I was crying?? Of course not, but the demons were and they knew very well how to tempt me. All I could do was laugh thinking “uh uh not today Satan, not today”. Imagine if I would’ve listened to those senseless thoughts and suggestions from the devils and others. I wouldn’t be where I am with Jesus today, 4 years later.

So after this person got done giving me their opinion, I kindly told them I respected their stance, I loved them, but I had to listen to the Lord and wasn’t at all interested in likes or popularity only Gods will. After I got off the phone I wasn’t even offended, but I did repent for impatience and frustration in my heart towards them.  It actually made me want to pray more because I realize how so many, even Christians are blinded and hardened to the reality of the times that we are living. So I stayed up and prayed for them and souls who are just like him.  They just don’t know, Father forgive them because I too was one as I came before Jesus saying,

Lord, do you have anything on your heart you would like to share?

Jesus began,

I’m here little one, continue to write my beloved thank you for stopping to discernment.

(I had to stop because the voice I was hearing was very condescending on others and I knew it wasn’t the Lords heart So the first two readings got “laziness”, and “long life” in the BP to walk in the way of the Lord. So I bound any lying spirits and continued to write)

Jesus continued,

yes by faith beloved continue writing by faith. We are one and I do dwell within you as I mentioned I am a breath away.  It truly is easy as breathing just write what is flowing from your heart little one. I am indeed  astounded at the profound unbelief in my body and in my brides little one. So many have made me a “thing”, a “religion”, or even “a religious idea”, but they truly have no faith to believe in me or in my words little one. How it grieves me, so many have taken my words, my promises and my warnings for granted. This soul was right to say that many ministers preach the gospel, but it’s just their own gospel it is not my gospel dear one. You are called to do My will and not the will of man. How many chosen shepherds have strayed away because of the fear of man. Strayed way because of the scorn and contempt they would face if they spoke truth and lived by the truth, but I am upsetting the apple cart. I am doing a new thing. I am raising the lowly, the over looked, the rejected, the unwise, and unlearned. 

Those who will follow me and worship me alone in spirit and truth. Those who will lay down their lives for my service and that of their brothers. Those who care not of the accolades, the respect or honor of men, but live for what heaven says alone. We are indeed in the days of Noah. Oh how my faithful servant tarried for so many years, 120 years to be exact. What do you think the people said, the same thing they say now. “Your foolish, your calling bluff, your crying wolf, your inciting fear, preach something we want to hear, what rain..it has never rained.”

As my people say, “what coming?”. “Yes, you have been saying the Lord is coming for a while now, for years, even centuries”, but my people have fallen asleep. Oh how my apostles faced the same scrutiny and contempt in preaching the coming kingdom. So do not be dismayed or discouraged my little one, you may be small in stature, but in me you stand tall and will continue to do so. Tell them my beloved one of their offenses towards me. Tell them I am indeed coming and I am looking for pure hearts and clean hands. Those who have ears to hear will hear. Those who continue to rely on their own opinion, own agendas and own desires will fall at the waste side. Pray for them dear ones, pray for them fervently. For your King is coming and has his reward in hand!

 This is all for now my little one, my very precious little one .I love you dearly my beloved child. Go now in the peace and courage of your God.”

-From Jesus With Love

Published by

From Jesus With Love

My Name Is Mary Elisha I started this blog 6 years ago on my journey walking with Jesus and never knew all that he had in store for me. It has been a journey of tears, trust and confidence in him. Knowing that He is my loving spouse and he wouldn't lead me astray however he has given many suprises along the way! lol Upon fully surrendering my life to Jesus, he has completely turn my world right side up. Filled me with his spirit and showed himself in supernatural ways. He has completely left me in awe leaving me with the thought.....(as most Holy Spirit filled followers of Christ also say) why didn't I surrender 15 years ago! lol. When I started this blog I was a 30 years old zealous for the Lord and desiring to make his love known because it tranformed my life. However, I didn't know the way and the road in which he would take me. It is the way of the cross, the way of holiness and the way of love. Living a life seperated from the world and compltely concecrated to him. I no longer belong to myself, but to him as he has led me to a life of hiddeness and deep intimacy I didn't know was so avalialble for all who would make their lives, their hearts his home. He has given me a new name, a renewed purpose and a heavenly family who is so very present and so real to me. Saints who cheer me on, give me council and pray for me everyday to ensure I do the Lords will and the greatest gift of all He has led me to his Mother! Who has always been My Mother just never knew it. I love Mother Mary, she is my heart, my friend and confidant and continues to prepare me to a worthy bride to her son, Jesus. It is she, who has handpicked me for this mission and to run the community "City of God: Sacred Heart Refuge" in Ghana, West Africa. This is her mission and her ministry as a gift to Jesus and I just get to be her handmaiden. Heartdwellers Ghana is an extention of Heartdwellers ministry by Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel from Still Small Voice Channel. Jesus has taught us about divine intimacy with him. As we dwell in his heart, He and the Father come to make their home within us. (John Where Jesus is all of heaven is as well because the kingom of God is within. So here may you come to get fresh manna from Jesus and any ther saints who may want to give us council, encouragment and exhortation that we may finish this race of faith and run to win the prize. To be a bride spotless, blameless adorened with purity, carying the fire of charity and zeal for our fathers glory. That we maybe ready for him when He comes back for us. Our Lord, Jesus Christ is amazing the intimate you become with him the more in awe he leaves you. I hope this blog draws you nearer to our Lord and you began to open the ears and the eyes of your heart to all that he has to say to you and show you. All of these messages are from Jesus with love...to you. May you be blessed by his words of life. God bless you!

2 thoughts on “We Are In The Days Of Noah

  1. I received the post I need you to understand something very important yes the devil does torture us but now I have no confidence on what is Christ and what is the devil and I’m having a hard time distinguishing between the two I asked the Lord that I need more discernment but at this point I don’t think he’s going to answer and if he is I can’t hear him and I just don’t know what to do or just know that I do better with others that can help me get through this to relearn and to re-understand what the father is trying to say to me and about my life and my my whole life and my family’s life and people’s lives I’m not trying to give God lip service I’m trying to figure out what it is that my purposes I never really had one and that all stems from the very beginning so you can see where that is affecting me and also a lot more has been going on that I just can’t take on anymore I just need to get somewhere with people who can walk me through it kind of like hand in hand I’m pretty desperate and I just want to do what’s right I’m so tired of this I’ve built this with this for several years now the first two to three years were great even wonderful but now I have been attacked by huge demons and little ones I’m just I’m losing faith trust that I can even hear from the Lord ever again because of the confusion and it’s intense and no matter how much I pray for the confusion to be bound which I think you bind a demon of confusion it doesn’t work so it’s either my brain my body or I did something really really bad can you help please

    On Mon, Sep 28, 2020, 10:20 PM Heartdwellers Ghana wrote:

    > From Jesus With Love posted: ” March 13, 2020 Journal Entry I had someone > very close to me call yesterday. I was really glad to hear from that > because I wanted to thank them for a book and a card they had sent me. Boy > was I in for a surprise because I hadn’t talked to this pers” >

  2. And I did read your post is there something that you would need that I might be able to help you with I’d be more than happy to help you if it’s possible just let me know okay

    On Mon, Sep 28, 2020, 10:20 PM Heartdwellers Ghana wrote:

    > From Jesus With Love posted: ” March 13, 2020 Journal Entry I had someone > very close to me call yesterday. I was really glad to hear from that > because I wanted to thank them for a book and a card they had sent me. Boy > was I in for a surprise because I hadn’t talked to this pers” >

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