Jesus Is Waiting, Dont Stand Him Up


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Have you ever been stood up? Have you ever kept a date waiting or waiting on date who seems to have no respect for your time? Well, can you believe many times that’s what we do to Jesus. Many times we would like to think God is a distance, cold, judgmental, harsh, unemotional person but, he isn’t at all. Many have him all wrong! We forget that  Jesus came on earth, fully man so he has very real human needs, emotions, desires and longings that only YOU can fulfill.  A  week ago I found myself doing this very thing, I saw Jesus on a picnic table with all this food waiting on me, and he had tears running down his cheeks. Some might say wait, God has needs and desires for me, noooo but, I beg to differ even in scripture he talks about his jealous love for us and how we are His desire.

Song of Solomon 7:10
I belong to my beloved, and HIS DESIRE is for me.

You see as a bride of Christ he longs and desires to be with his bride. Spend quality time with his beloved and how it pains him so much when we neglect him for worldly things or even desires. That’s exactly what I did a few weeks ago. I found myself waking up randomly @5 am abruptly but, peacefully from my sleep. I have come to know when I wake up in the middle of the night full of energy for no reason that is the Holy Spirit waking me up because He has something to say or Jesus calling me into prayer or worship. So I had a strong sense that the Lord was calling me into his bridal chambers to spend some alone time with him. Now at the same time we have very real opposition from the enemy would love for us to be not sensitive to the Lords heart, distracted and put our attention on other things when Jesus calls us. That’s exactly what he did and I fell for it (slap hands to the face).

Instead of me immediately going into prayer and worship I thought to myself let me use the restroom real quick, then after I happened to walk into the kitchen, then I happened to open the fridge out of curiosity, then I happened to see a huge pan of macaroni and cheese my sister had just cooked that night…..I knew immediately this was a snare by the enemy because I wasn’t even hungry but that mac and cheese was calling my name. (Side note the Lord has been really teaching me on self-denial and having self control with me compulsively eating and he already revealed that was a demon of self indulgence that caused me and many others to do that…that’s for a different blog lol). So would I choose Nana (my flesh) or Jesus….and I chose Nana, thinking to myself well Lord just one little bite wont hurt. One bite turned to two bites before I knew it, it was an hour  later and I had kept the Lord waiting whiles I indulged. (another slap to face)

So when I finally went into worship and prayer, oh my goodness my heart was broken to pieces. I saw Jesus on a picnic table with all this food waiting on me, and he had tears running down his cheeks. Which broke my heart and caused me to cry as well. I knew he had been waiting for a long while and I felt in my heart he was so hurt that I chose the macaroni then him. It may seem silly to some that God would care that much in the smallest detail of our lives or even in the decisions that we make to bring him to tears but he does.  He made me to understand that He had this heavenly feast prepared for me  that would’ve satisfied my soul. Yet I chose to follow my flesh instead and indulge on something that only temporally satisfied. Furthermore, to make it more painful I kept him waiting, My God, the creator o the Heavens, the Lover of my soul, My savior called for me and I stood him up over macaroni. He then spoke to my heart how so many of his children do this on a daily bases, I then saw different images of Jesus having a date prepared and just waiting….waiting… being left all alone and most of the time being stood up, no one shows up. It broke my heart because it broke his, I had to ask the Lord to forgive me and I comforted him with my worship.

So I want to challenge you:
How many times have you made a commitment to spend time with Jesus, to go on a date with him, to give him a certain time frame, or certain hour that you designated just for Jesus? Then something comes up, you forget, you do something else a movie, social media or even worse you use that time to spend on someone else and you stand him up. You casually think to yourself, oh God understand, he doesn’t care. Wrong, wrong, wrong….you see he does. The very thought of having quality time with him came from Him. He is so much more excited to spend time with you then you are with him. YOU are the highlight of his day, the apple of his eye, His heaven on earth. In a world where its dark, where majority of the population rejects him, insults him, is angry at him, blasphemes and mocks him. He takes so much solace in hearing one person, one of his brides respond to his love and CHOOSE him from all the things in the world they can do. Do you know how that makes him feel…. it makes him feel like He is indeed Lord of your life and it heals his wounded heart. You bring healing to the heart of your God by worship and prayer. He loves to bask in Your presence, can you believe that….the creator of the universe loves to bask in YOUR presence so will you make take for him and if you have will you be committed to your time and most importantly will you choose Jesus every time when He calls?……He is waiting with excitement, don’t stand him up!

-From Jesus with Love

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From Jesus With Love

My Name Is Mary Elisha I started this blog 6 years ago on my journey walking with Jesus and never knew all that he had in store for me. It has been a journey of tears, trust and confidence in him. Knowing that He is my loving spouse and he wouldn't lead me astray however he has given many suprises along the way! lol Upon fully surrendering my life to Jesus, he has completely turn my world right side up. Filled me with his spirit and showed himself in supernatural ways. He has completely left me in awe leaving me with the thought.....(as most Holy Spirit filled followers of Christ also say) why didn't I surrender 15 years ago! lol. When I started this blog I was a 30 years old zealous for the Lord and desiring to make his love known because it tranformed my life. However, I didn't know the way and the road in which he would take me. It is the way of the cross, the way of holiness and the way of love. Living a life seperated from the world and compltely concecrated to him. I no longer belong to myself, but to him as he has led me to a life of hiddeness and deep intimacy I didn't know was so avalialble for all who would make their lives, their hearts his home. He has given me a new name, a renewed purpose and a heavenly family who is so very present and so real to me. Saints who cheer me on, give me council and pray for me everyday to ensure I do the Lords will and the greatest gift of all He has led me to his Mother! Who has always been My Mother just never knew it. I love Mother Mary, she is my heart, my friend and confidant and continues to prepare me to a worthy bride to her son, Jesus. It is she, who has handpicked me for this mission and to run the community "City of God: Sacred Heart Refuge" in Ghana, West Africa. This is her mission and her ministry as a gift to Jesus and I just get to be her handmaiden. Heartdwellers Ghana is an extention of Heartdwellers ministry by Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel from Still Small Voice Channel. Jesus has taught us about divine intimacy with him. As we dwell in his heart, He and the Father come to make their home within us. (John Where Jesus is all of heaven is as well because the kingom of God is within. So here may you come to get fresh manna from Jesus and any ther saints who may want to give us council, encouragment and exhortation that we may finish this race of faith and run to win the prize. To be a bride spotless, blameless adorened with purity, carying the fire of charity and zeal for our fathers glory. That we maybe ready for him when He comes back for us. Our Lord, Jesus Christ is amazing the intimate you become with him the more in awe he leaves you. I hope this blog draws you nearer to our Lord and you began to open the ears and the eyes of your heart to all that he has to say to you and show you. All of these messages are from Jesus with you. May you be blessed by his words of life. God bless you!

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